San Raymundo, Guatemala
April 7th, 2015
     He was 100% right. He got it. He gets it.  And I can only hope everyone else saw it too.  I am very grateful for that conversation with John.  The reminder is always good.  After that conversation with John, I saw Jesus.
     March is always a challenge for Morning Glory. When done correctly, March is also a time of deep fulfillment for Lori and I.  And the reason this year, as unlikely as it may sound, is an abundance of high schoolers.  But these aren’t the armies of Spring Breakers that head to beaches to partake in nonsense  that leave both them and their environment “trashed.” The students and their leaders, whether they were cognizant of it or not, inserted the words “Good News” in their respective chapters of the Morning Glory Story. They came to break down the forces working against the ministry in San Raymundo.
    Tied for first (chronologically) were Carrollton Christian Academy and the team of dentists and doctors predominantly from Texas.  I spent more time with the dentists for the first couple days, bringing in student after student after student while the doctors and dental students worked two back-to-back 10 hour days hunched over the little ones of varying compliance.* from Morning Glory. I was tired after those days.  I can’t even fathom how they kept up such great quality of work and spirits.  They were completely dedicated to the task at hand and never once let their fatigue or aches damper their spirits. They always said yes and smiled, even when I told them they had to complete a 25 minutes procedure in only 5 minutes.  Great people.  Great work.
     Outside, I could hear the music of Bible Class.  Our long time friends and partners from CCA were again delivering an excellent time of teaching to our students.  I didn’t get to see them much, but I remember at least twice I heard the roar of cheering students as they were told it was their turn for Bible Class.  CCA is such a great group because of their dedication even in the face of obstacles.  They are proactive about forming relationships. They work, teach, and play to and with the community. Mrs. Wolski reminded me what a servant does as she spent most of her time caring for her own team despite her desires to get out and do the more “hands-on” service. I could go on for 3 more pages naming all the acts of incredible service I saw with CCA. Suffice it to say it is very inspiring to see the continued partnership CCA has with our students, teacher, and even the families they build houses for. I can’t wait till they come back.
     After a week to catch our breath,  a group from my hometown, Choctawhatchee High School brought some outstanding students to teach and improve our facilities.  It wasn’t hard to see that painting wasn’t their favorite task, but they didn’t slack off in the least and now our students can feel they are in respectable classrooms, and not some block building provided for them out of obligation.  Choctaw students also taught English and Values classes with a level of excellence and responsibility that rivaled the more experienced groups and teachers.  For me, it was refreshing to hear, participate in, and even receive the brunt of their sense of humor.  They gave me to opportunity to just relax and play cards with them, free of duties or burdens as they just did what they set out to do, without exaggerating their importance or impact. 
     So when I was talking to John, (who is such a humble guy and one of those just really nice people) he told me that the school exists to minister to the kids in education.  The dentists minister to their health needs in a way the MG staff can’t.   That was a cool moment.  This guy who came to do such an important work understood that he, just like I, is just a piece in a puzzle; a cog in a machine if you will. CCA and Choctaw stepped right up to do their part as well.  This year, Spring Break only built us up.  We saw the Kingdom, the Body, and the People functioning just as God intended it:
     Ro 12:4-8 “For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your[a] faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.”
     The dentists, CCA, and Choctaw reminded me that if the Morning Glory Story is going to continue a holistic ministry, we need Kingdom Workers who will come and serve.  They can’t all be doctors, and they won’t all paint.  Not everyone will teach, but everyone could, and should, make the Kingdom of Heaven present on this earth.  Don’t you think it’s your turn?
Rob Courtney
Campus Relations
*(Morning Glory’s own director was one of the less cooperative patients, but I didn’t tell you that.)
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Prayers!   Pray for the next 9 weeks as we are launching a new system of rewards and consequences for academic performance school-wide. Pray that the students will be motivated to achieve.
Praises!   Thank thank God yet again for all the work He provided for us in March through the short term groups.  Thanks to a Casas por Cristo groups from Chapin UMC we also received new picnic tables and benches for the students to sit and eat at.
Morning Glory Christian Academy is a division of NIMA.
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New Iberian Mission Association (NIMA) / Morning Glory Christian Academy

PO Box 15133

Las Cruces, NM 88004-5133