Hello From Pakistan!

Hello, everyone!  We are here, getting adjusted, slowly and surely.  While we were on the plane, over here, we heard some distressing news about two suicide bombs that happened near two Churches, near to where we are residing.  However, because of your love and prayers, and the Grace of God, we are doing fine.  The Churches are doing fine, as well as the School and our Sewing Center.  Our Churches have had normal Sundays, these past three weeks.  Please pray for the security, safety and protection for the Pakistani Christian People.  We are wanting to raise the level of security for our Churches.  Hopefully, by the Grace of God, we can achieve this.  Regarding the Twin Bombings, more details on this incident are mentioned down below, in this newsletter:

Palm Sunday

Passing around the Offering Plates

Brittany with some of the Church ladies.

Easter Sunday

Sam with some of the Church men.

Brittany with a few Church ladies.

Easter Sunday at our Second Church


Twin Suicide Bombings: March 15, 2015

In this atrocious tragedy, 17 people were killed, and at least 70 were wounded, Sunday, March 15th, 2015, in a twin suicide bomb attack, near two Churches, that were not far from us.  One Church was St. John’s Catholic Church, and the other was Christ Church, which is a Church of England (also called Church of Pakistan).  The Churches shared a joint entrance, which was where the two bombers went.

One of the Church’s Security Guards spotted one of the bombers.  He ran up to him, and sacrificed his life, as the bomb blast went off, so that the other Church members, and his family, would be saved.  The Catholic Church was taking communion, right about this time.

The Christians gathered around the Church entrances.  Angrily, they spotted the other two terrorists, involved in the plot and burned them alive.  This was to send a message to everyone, including the Government, to say that they are tired of being persecuted and being expected to tolerate this. 

This has happened after some recent inhumane events, such as the murder of a Christian couple, in which they were burned alive and the wife was pregnant.  (See our Newsletter on that event: http://us6.campaign-archive1.com/?u=46fdea2cd646825d897038f76&id=54e90027f8&e=   )  On March 9, 2013, more than 100 homes were burned down, by a Muslim mob, over an argument between a Christian and a Muslim.  (See our Newsletter on that event:  http://us6.campaign-archive1.com/?u=46fdea2cd646825d897038f76&id=f20aba021e )  In 2013, a Church, in Peshawar, was bombed, by two suicide bombers, killing 70 and injuring more than 120.  (See our Newsletter on that event:  http://us6.campaign-archive2.com/?u=46fdea2cd646825d897038f76&id=8242864b5b&e= ) In addition to this, a Christian woman, Asia Bibi, still is prisoned and sentenced to death, over an argument between her neighbors, while they were drawing water from a well.  

This created a whole stir, around the city.  Even the Police were afraid to go there.  The Christians, furthermore, smashed property, vehicles, and a Bus Station.   According to BBC News, members of the Christian community say that the riots are a show of anger and frustration from a community that feels unprotected and abandoned by the government.  This event, soon, became all over the news, which was when we arrived.  The Government sent security to police that whole area, so that no more Muslims would come and attack any Christians.  The area was under much surveillance, until things calmed down.

We talked to a couple of people who lived near the area, and they said they were confined in their house, for 8 days, and couldn’t go anywhere.  Some people, still, are afraid to come back to their house.

Unfortunately, over 100 Christians have been arrested for these actions, and now, Christians are saying that they are sorry for retaliating, in their anger.

Brothers and Sisters, we must remember our fellow persecuted Christian Brethren, during these perilous times.

One of the pastors attending the funerals, said, according to BBC News, “I would like to tell these terrorists if they think that they can push us back from our faith, they are deadly, entirely, very much at fault.”

Regardless, Christians are still living strong for their faith, worshipping the Lord.  They know that this world is not the end (as what the Bible says, in Heb. 9:27, James 4:14, 1 Thess. 4:13-14 (these being some of the verses)).  We know that Heaven is our Eternal Reward.     


How to Donate to NHCMP:


We really appreciate your love, prayers and support.  You are the chain that holds this Ministry, on the other end.  Because of you, and the Grace of God, we are able to achieve and accomplish all of this, so far, in Pakistan, for the Kingdom of God.

Donating Online:
Before clicking the link, down below, please read this:
On the webpage, change the upper drop-down box to “Missions Fund,” and in the Special Instructions Box, write “For Sam Gill – Pakistan Mission.”

Here is the link for Online Donations: https://secure-q.net/donations/EagleCCI/1085


Donating through the Mail

Please make your Check out to: Eagle Christian Church

Memo: Sam Gill – Pakistan Mission

Where to send:
Eagle Christian Church
100 Short Ln.
Eagle, Idaho 83616

Donations are Tax-Deductible