April, 2015


Manchester Chinese Christian Church

Brandy Lee- Manchester, NH


  • Pray for a successful ministry in the Easter season as Pastor Wing Wong will be our speaker in our special meeting April 3-5.
  • Give thanks to God for the improvement of the relationships in several families as they have been struggling with marriage issues.
  • Pray for wisdom and opportunity to minister to the youth and young adults in our church. Pray for our Resident Minister, Andrew Fross, as he is working with these young age groups within our church. May our ministry grow in all areas for God’s mission, even in the areas of growing in English conversations so that we can engage and reach more people in New England.
  • Give thanks to God for several members who are willing to take the time to paint the interior of our church.


Oasis Christian Church (Liberian)
Christic Marblow- Providence, RI


  • Praise God! The Lord provided in an amazing way for our church van to be back in service to the King.
  • Thank God for all those who attended the Oasis Christian Church and Operation I Care, three-day mission conference. Pray that God will move the hearts of Christians to work together in reaching Providence, RI for Christ.
  • Pray that those we are reaching out to in Providence will be responsive to God’s love and grace.
  • Pray for the new attendees and members of our church family that they may grow in grace and that their enthusiasm will inspire others to reach out for Christ.


New Life Cambodian Christian Church

Rinn Sim- Lowell, MA


  • Pray for Kimleng Pich who has run away from home and has not been heard from for a week. Please pray for her to return home safely.
  • Please pray for Sary Oung to come to Jesus. Pray that he can open his heart and give up everything so that he can confess Jesus as his Savior.
  • Please pray for a safe trip to Cambodia as we celebrate our eldest son (Ron)’s wedding!
  • Pray for our Easter Celebration on April 5th. Pray for more people to join in our service and to encounter God as we celebrate what Jesus has done for us.


New Hampshire Korean Christian Church

Eunho Moon & Kei Eun Chang- Bedford, NH


  • Pray for our new members and those who visit, that they may desire to stay with our church family. We pray may more people will come to know Him as their personal Lord and Savior. Pray that our church will continually be sent out to work in the harvest fields of New England and our local communities. Pray for the congregation to generously share their faith and resources.
  • Pray for church members facing unemployment or struggling businesses. Pray for Wan Shik Yu and his family. May they continue to be active members in our church. Pray for their son as he is working towards learning other work skills.
  • Pray for pastor Kei Eun Chang as he is traveling during these next few months in Korea preaching & teaching at the Seoul Christian University. Pray for his family as they remain here without his presence.
  • Pray for our church as we explore ways to reach young adults and college students. Pray for our young adult members and our college students who are away at school, may they keep the faith and continually grow in relationship with the Lord.
  • Pray for our Resident Minister, Andrew Fross, who is serving with our youth. Pray for this group of teenagers as they are being challenged to make God the center of their lives.
  • Pray for some of our church members who are experiencing troubles, hardships, and depression in their life. May God and His church show them love, encouragement, support, security, and peace. Pray for Hee Sang Yu and his family. Pray that Hee Sang can find a job so that their family can be financially secure.
  • Pray for more qualified, trained leadership to be established.
  • Dr. SB Lee and his wife have been leading our young adult Bible studies during the week and have been equipping these young people to be strong examples of Christ. Pray for the group to grow as we desire to reach out into the community for other young adults and students.


Hong Kong Christian Mission

Wing Wong- China


  • We planted a new church in Jiangxi Province in January. Recently the police have “visited” them twice. Our evangelist has been standing firm not to release the names of the worshippers to the police. Please pray that these “visits” will not scare off the new believers and seekers! Pray that the re-tightening government actions on churches will not slow down the spreading of the Gospel nor hinder our church planting process in China!
  • Continue to pray that Hannah will confess Christ as her Lord and Savior soon!
  • Pray for Ms He! I was able to talk to her three weeks ago and helped her to see a couple undeniable evidences of Jesus as our Savior and everlasting God. I am hoping to be able to follow up with her this Sunday.
  • Pray for Grace, another Chinese lady from China who came with her husband a year ago. A Christian sister in Londonderry Christian Church informed me about her and wanted to bring her to Christ. Pray that God will open a door for His Gospel to enter into their lives!
  • Pray for me as I prepare to lead a weekend revival at Manchester Chinese Christian Church.

Restoration House Ministries

1300 Wellington Rd

Manchester, NH 03104
