San Raymundo, Guatemala


Meet the Martins!  In May of 2015, they will join the Morning Glory family as missionaries in San Raymundo and part of our team of teachers. Read about them below, pray for them, and contact them as they finish their preparations. You can find their blog at:
   If you haven’t heard by now, Rose Mary and I are excited to announce that we are preparing to become missionaries in San Raymundo, Guatemala. The last four years I’ve been involved in campus ministry with the ULM Wesley Foundation. Through Wesley, I’ve been blessed to be part of many mission opportunities. In 2012 I went on my first mission trip to Guatemala to build a house for a family through Casas Por Cristo. It was an amazing experience and God opened my eyes to many things. On that trip I became acquainted with Morning Glory Christian Academy.
     Morning Glory provides all the housing, food and transportation for Casas Por Cristo mission teams. One of the days on my trip I was able to spend time with the children at the school. As I played with the kids, my heart flooded with love. I knew instantly that God was calling me to missions and even more so, to that particular place. After many months of prayer, Rose Mary and I do believe God has called us to Guatemala and to Morning Glory beginning this summer.
     In Guatemala, because of the cost associated, education is not always a first priority for many families. This is where Morning Glory comes in. They educate over 600 students through the help of volunteers and monthly sponsorships. Along with an education, Morning Glory can step in and offer students the love of Christ. Many children without a place to go to school are forced to work. Some end up with the dangerous job of making fireworks (which can leave them disfigured) while some can end up in the sex trade. Lori (the director of Morning Glory) has made it her life’s goal to show Christ’s love to these children through this school. I believe God is calling Rose Mary and I to do the same.
     My role at Morning Glory will be to teach English and Bible and Rose Mary will be teaching nutrition and hygiene and as well as serving as the school nurse.  There will be many opportunities for us to show the love of Jesus to a community of hurting people.
     Like most missionaries, Rose Mary and I need to raise 100% of our financial support. It’s a little scary. We believe God has called us so we know He will take care of us. We are asking for your monthly financial gift to make this call a reality over this two and half year commitment. Our financial needs will total $1500 per month. Our start date is May 10th 2015. Will you pray for us and ask God to show what your role in our ministry could be? We asking for your monetary contributions but we also need your prayers. I would love to talk to you in person over coffee or lunch.  If you have any questions you please call Rose Mary or me at 318-608-7697. You also can email me at
     Thanks so much for the blessing of your friendship and we look forward to your partnership in this adventure.
This is the letter I sent to all my potential supporters. I can’t believe we leave in less than 2 months. We are scarred but we know God will take care of us.

I wanted to add something personal from myself to our letter. You see, I put Michael in charge of getting our mission statement letter together. I think he did a very good job too, but I don’t want people to think I’m just tagging along on this trip. I have always felt that it is my mission to support the mission work Michael has been able to participate in. I myself have now been on two mission trips with ULM Wesley, & Casa Por Cristo. I can say both trips were very eye-opening experiences. I have come to realize just how blessed my life has been. I can honestly say there has never been anything vital to my existence that I have not been given. I realize just how many simple things I take for granted, such as clean water. When Michael first presented moving to Guatemala for this mission to me, I was not exactly thrilled. I now believe God has changed me for the better. I’m actually excited to begin. My prayer throughout trying to make the decision to move to Guatemala has been that if God wants us to go, He will open the doors and clear the path. Without a doubt that is what God has done! I want thank everyone for even taking the time to read our letter. I feel blessed to have this opportunity to serve.

Thank you, Rose Mary Martin

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Praises!  We are so thankful for the groups from Carrollton Christian Academy and the dental students from Texas (seen to the right) for their respective work with our kids for God’s glory. 
Prayers!  Pray for the group from Choctaw High School that will arrive on March 22nd.  Pray for their work and all the work from Casas por Cristo. Pray for resolve and wisdom for  Lori as she continues to lead Morning Glory
Morning Glory Christian Academy is a division of NIMA
Copyright © 2015 New Iberian Mission Association (NIMA) / Morning Glory Christian Academy, All rights reserved.
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New Iberian Mission Association (NIMA) / Morning Glory Christian Academy

PO Box 15133

Las Cruces, NM 88004-5133