leadership seminars
A band of brothers

Two years ago a small band of 20-25 pastors and church leaders gathered in Grand Goave, Haiti to listen, learn and pray.  Hope is hard to come by on this impoverished island.  But we committed to start discipling new leaders — even if we weren’t very good at it — and to trust God with the rest.  We also decided to move our gathering to Mahotiere, a more accessible site with room to grow.

In February, 84 pastors and the emerging leaders they are discipling gathered for the 2-day seminar, which Lifeline hosts twice each year.  The dining hall and guest rooms were overflowing.  New faces mingled with experienced leaders, each one eager to stretch and learn.  Individually, we listened for the top 2 priorities God was laying on our heart, then shared with one another our 6-month action plans to follow through on what God had said to us.  We even watched the Jesus movie (in Creole) one rainy night, challenging each leader to imagine how they might use that movie to tell the story of Jesus in their community.  We laughed.  We sang.  We were family.
Best of all we dreamed.  Several pastors shared how people from 3 neighboring communities keep inviting them to start a new church with them.  Could we do that?  A vision to develop an ongoing Bible Institute on that site began to take shape.  How would God use that?  And you could see an awakening in many of those young leaders — maybe God wants to use me!
To close the seminar, all of us surrounded the group of original pastors to pray over them.  For 2 years they’ve listened to God and invested in others.  There is plenty of hard work still ahead, but when you see God moving it is easy to follow. 

leadership seminar in Haiti

  • We praise God for all our volunteer work team coordinators!  Mike & Sandy Gleason led a Haiti team in January, Mark & Julie Gulley are leading a team in Haiti now, Brenda Johnson is leading a team in Honduras this week, and  Jeff & Julie Parker will be leading a team at Navajo Trails in June.  Several couples will be training this work team season.
  • Gretchen DeVoe, Lifeline’s Co-Founder, is having an awesome first trip to Guatemala, as she is meeting with staff, parents, and children to set up the sponsorship program in the new Roots initiative.
  • Our leadership seminar in Haiti continues to expand with 84 pastors and emerging leaders present.  It’s always good news when your biggest problem is figuring out how to accommodate more leaders.
  • Our Haiti pastors & leaders are beginning to catch the vision for discipleship and church planting.  As we see this new spirit unfold, God is opening doors in several new areas.
Navajo (Arizona)
  • February was a month of blessings for the Navajo ministry!  Catch up on all the exciting happenings in our latest update
United States
  • Praise God for all of the new child sponsors in our Lovelink Child Sponsorship ministry!  Each one is a blessing!
  • Praise God for Volunteer Drive Coordinator’s who are willing to host a child sponsorship drive in their churches and share about the opportunity to sponsor a child.  Drives are planned for churches in Iowa, Minnesota, Ohio and Oregon in the near future!

Prayer Requests
  • For Mark & Julie Gulley, who are presently leading the Haiti work team.
  • Gretchen travels to Honduras to be with the medical team from Okolona Christian Church.  Keep the team’s work in your prayers, as they minister to patients and the community.
  • Pray for our Haitian pastors, especially Pastor Luc, as they wrestle with the logistical and financial challenges of beginning a Bible Institute to train a new generation of leaders with a vision to make disciples who make disciples.

  • Pray for the next leadership seminar trip to Cuba, March 10-16.  We’ll be working individually to develop and encourage leaders in 3 different house churches.  These believers are outnumbered and up against the odds, but they will not give up.
    • Please pray for the Lovelink Coordinator Program as we organize and design new ideas moving forward with the sponsorship program.  We are excited about the doors God will open for us, but we pray for his discernment and guidance that we would be obedient to His leading in the program.  

    Serve Volunteer Ministry

    your opportunities
    Serve here to impact there

    Interested in volunteering with Lifeline?  Here are a few opportunities:


    Be a friendly face & voice to greet visitors to Lifeline’s office!  

    Volunteer receptionists are needed for Lifeline’s Westerville office on Friday mornings (9am-1pm), Wednesday afternoon (1pm-5pm), and a back up receptionist (on call as needed).  

    Contact Dana@Lifeline.org for additional details.


    Be the voice for the voiceless!

    We are looking for more Volunteer Drive Coordinators, who are willing to share Lifeline’s child sponsorship program.   You’ll serve in your local community, region, and/or state. 

    Contact Audra@Lifeline.org for details.


     .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

    > Find more volunteer opportunities at www.Lifeline.org/Volunteer <


    Men's work team to Haiti

    On the roof

    Those who have traveled to Haiti on mission trips with Lifeline know about spending time “on the roof.”  The flat roof of the main building that houses the dorms, dining hall and kitchen offers a quiet place for personal devotions in the morning, and team devotions at night under the stars. 


    My favorite time to spend on the roof is early in the morning.  The first rays of the sun carve deep shadows in the creases and crevices on the mountains to the south.  To the north, I look out over the village of Grand Goave, and beyond it to the Caribbean Sea. 


    The village and Lifeline campus are gradually coming to life.  The soft sounds of “whisk, whisk” are heard next door in the church building, as a faithful worker sweeps the floor, the sound of benches being moved across a concrete floor punctuating the early morning quiet.  The sound of voices drift softly through air as families awaken and start preparing for the day.  Off in the distance car horns and traffic can be heard on the main highway.  Soon the happy voices of children are heard as they make their way on campus for the school day.


    I love those early morning moments on the roof.  The confluence of activities creates a symphony of sounds that brings evidence of life and activity in the community. 


    In Psalm 46:10 we are reminded, “Be still, and know that I am God.”  This is the chapter that begins with these words, “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”  The psalmist in the following verses reminds us that in spite of whatever may come, God is in control. 


    Even in well-meaning attempts to know God, we can go about it in a way that causes us to be frustrated.  We try to devise ways that will bring us closer to him, but instead we feel we are drifting further away from him.  Could it be that perhaps we are placing too much emphasis on making a plan when in reality we need to stop for a moment, and listen?


    “Be still and know that I am God.”   Being still means just that – stop!  Allow God to speak to us.  Perhaps it is through a verse of scripture, through our time of prayer, through the wise counsel of a godly friend, or even just taking some time to focus our thoughts on what he has done, and is doing, in our lives and the lives of others. 


    In those moments of stillness, softly and gently at first, the presence of God becomes clearer to us.  The focus becomes clearer, and there is evidence of life and the presence of God that we can see through new spiritual eyes.  We are allowing God to work in us, rather than trying to work our way toward God.


    Take some time to spend on your “roof,” wherever that may be, to be alone with God.  Allow him to speak.  Open your heart and allow him to reveal himself to you in a fresh way. 


    The time eventually comes when I have to leave that roof in Haiti and get into the activity of the day.  But it is the moments of stillness that give new strength and fresh perspective to our walk with God through that day.   May our time on the “roof,” of being still and knowing God, give us new strength and fresh perspective in our walk with Christ.



    by Keith Dimbath, Laborlink Work Team Director, Lifeline Christian Mission    

    Lifeline Christian Mission restoring hope among the nations