Winter Greetings and Update!

Greetings!  I pray you and your loved ones are off to a great start in the new year.

Each time I have visited an LIA community I have been blessed to witness the miraculous transformations God is bringing to families, churches and entire communities. In fact I just returned from  Kenya and Egypt. In the middle of the most challenging events and circumstances, God is at work.  You and I share in this—we are coworkers in the Kingdom.  

I hope you’ll find this quick video update encouraging.  And the Lord may also prompt you to be renewed in your prayers and, perhaps, in your giving.

On behalf of the LIA staff across the world, those I am honored to represent, I would like to thank you for your continued partnership and support.

Tom Kemner

Lucy’s Transformation

Lucy Adhiambo was a young mother with three children to care for when she was widowed suddenly. She felt hopeless with no real skills or education to support her family with. But through an LIA partner church, and by the power and hope of Christ, Lucy’s life has been turned around.

Read her story here!

Transformation in Ethiopia

Kirkos slum in Ethiopia had a very serious sanitation issue which shamed many of its residents. Through an LIA Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) program community health has improved significantly, dignity has been restored, and individuals from Kirkos now run the WASH facilities!

Read more about the community’s change here.

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1907 Ascension Blvd | Suite 240 | Arlington | TX 76006
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PO Box 660367 | Dallas | TX 75266