In this Issue  /  Why Did It Take So Long?  /  A Free VBS Resource for Your Church
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2014 Ministry Overview

Why Did It Take So Long for Our Village to Hear the Gospel?

The question hung in the air heavily. The translation team was enjoying the shade of a ginkgo tree after another full morning checking the draft of Luke 16-24. The missionary was initially taken aback by the question, but he explained briefly the history of how the gospel first came to the region. The local woman looked into the distance and said softly, “If my father could have heard the gospel, the witch doctor would not have been able to use sorcery to kill him.”

2014 Ministry Overview

A Free VBS Resource for Your Church

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The children in your church can provide verses of Scripture in languages that don’t yet have it! Verse by Verse Kids! is designed to accompany your Vacation Bible School curriculum. It’s a tangible, easy-to-understand way for children to get personally involved in the Great Commission. Click below to learn more about the program and request your free materials.

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Photo of Asian woman, © Eric Montfort, made available under the Creative Commons License.  (source)
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Dallas, TX 75236

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