CMF International News


Salamanca students race for love

Posted: 13 Feb 2015 11:26 AM PST

Students and staff from the En Vivo campus ministry in Salamanca, Spain, will be racing for love on Valentine’s Day this Saturday.

The Love RaceThe 5K Salamanca Love Race will raise funds to send some Spanish students to Mexico during spring break to build houses with the El Pozo campus ministry in Puebla. The ministry is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year by building 10 houses for poor families with Casas Por Cristo.

“We have four students who are seriously interested in making the trip, but it will cost about $4,000 to get them there,” said En Vivo campus minister Dan Dillard. “We’ve been working all year to help them raise this money in various ways, and the Love Race is one of them.”

The team has some help from local businesses in the form of prizes and publicity, and are hoping for a big turnout of runners.

“Our students have put a lot of work and prayer into this event and we pray their faithfulness will be rewarded,” added Dan. “Please pray for a miraculous turnout!”