CMF International News



‘How much does it cost to go to Sunday school?’

Posted: 09 Feb 2015 10:31 AM PST

Twelve students and staff members from the Globalscope campus ministry in Santiago, Chile, spent two weeks on a mission trip in Caranavi, Bolivia, in January, according to campus minister Philip Linkous.


Bolivia trip“All of us were stretched in new ways to serve, but we were able to accomplish a great deal,” said Philip. “Each day was packed full of activities. We painted and prepped the Vida y Verdad (Life and Truth) school for the 700 students who will return for the new semester, held a Vacation Bible School for 70 community kids at Iglesia de Caranavi (Caranavi Church), and spent time with the children and teenagers at the Casa de Esperanza (House of Hope) orphanage.”


The VBS was especially helpful in connecting some new children to the church, said Philip.


“One of these children, after praying to receive Jesus on the last day, innocently asked how much it would cost to attend Sunday school at the church!” he added. “It was encouraging to see kids like him getting a taste of Christian community and God’s love, maybe for the first time.”


A highlight of the trip for Philip was a visit to a small town outside Caranavi, where the team was in charge of the Sunday school and church service.


“After the three-and-a-half-hour service, we were invited to share a meal with everyone,” said Philip. “The experience of being able to worship God in a very different environment with very different people, but all as one family, was incredible. Thanks to our friends for your prayer and financial support that made this trip possible.”