ICOM Plans Each Year With Missionaries in Mind!

ICOM has really grown a lot in the pre-conference activities for missionaries and their families.

  1. We offer a free pre-conference event for missionaries and their children, Weds/Thurs, Oct. 28 to Thurs. Oct. 29th.  
  2. ICOM offers a FREE Weds. night hotel stay (by reimbursement) for the missionaries attending this pre-con.
  3. ICOM also secures sponsors to pay for FREE Weds night dinner and continental breakfast on Thursday morning, for missionaries.
  4. The For Missionaries Only Pre-Con is:
    1. Adult portion— led by Paul and Margaret Pennington, long term missionaries in Africa, former professors at CCU.  
    2. There is an active group for MK teenagers led by Jessica Vance, who has just began her own ministry to MK’s.  
      1. Childcare is provided on Weds pm and Thursday morning for children, nursery through elementary.
  5. The MK program goes through the whole weekend of ICOM!  Jessica starts on Weds., and the MK’s form their own youth group and attend SICOM together.  We provide a room for them to meet and gather as Jessica works out a whole weekend of activities, this is for the older mk’s.  This group starts out smaller during the Pre-Con, but it can grow to over 40 by the time ICOM ends.
  6. Out of 530 booth spaces, only 83 are left.  Do not wait to get your booth space!!  Our hall is smaller this year than the last 3 conferences. Click here to reserve your booth today!!
  7. This year we are looking to provide free counseling for missionaries throughout the whole weekend.  This idea was suggested last year and we are working to make it happen.  
  8. We are looking for our missionary lunch speakers for this year. 
    1. We want to have a veteran missionary, a national missionary, a new recruit and a missionary kid on Friday and Saturday lunches.  
    2. Email David if you are interested and want to learn more – david@theicom.org 
Don’t miss the other Pre-Con events at ICOM!

— International Students – led by Greg Swinney of Crossroads Int’s Student Ministry.  (Thursday only)  No cost.

— Community Health Evangelism (CHE – sponsored by FAME) – this group is limited to 32 people.  (All day Weds & Thursday) Cost: $30 with ICOM registration.
— Short Term Mission Trips Workshop – group called SOE, Standards of Excellence.  We had 70 attend last year.  (Weds pm and all day Thursday). Cost: $50 with ICOM registration.
— Security – this is a new pre-con that talks about how to handle emergency evacuation and problems on the mission field.  (No details yet) No cost determined yet.
— Discipleship – this is aimed at the American Church, for church leaders.  (Weds day and Thursday day).  No cost determined yet.
— Mission Trainers – led by Doug Priest.  (Thursday day)
*For Pre-Con questions – please email Kelsey in the ICOM Office – admin@theicom.org*
This year is a special year!! See why…
  • It’s the first time in Virginia in over 40 years.
  • We are combining with the Eastern Christian Conference for 2015.  They will be joining us in Richmond, too!
  • This year’s president in Jim Tune, our first Canadian to be president.  His theme is “The Away Team”.  He has a great theme, lineup of main session speakers, & other visions for this year that are going to impact many!
  • There will also be a big emphasis on church planting.  We are thrilled to be working with the Virginia Evangelizing Fellowship.  The churches of Virginia have been working for several years to plant a church on 6 continents! This weekend will be the launching of those churches & we can’t wait to see where God will take those efforts.  
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