We apologize that we forgot to write you and ask for prayers for our work in Haiti the past week.  We were in Haiti along with two groups of workers.  There were 30 of us in all.  One group of nine members led by Elder Lem Palmer of Bowling Green, Ky. was building on a renovation and enlargement of the Roboten Christian Church of Gonaives, Haiti.
The second group led by John Hendrix of Ohio numbered twenty one and they were building a Youth Building for the Christian Church at the  entrance of Gonaives  where Sainsurin John the Baptiste preaches and also building a Church building where Brother Melio preaches in the northern part of Gonaives.

There were four preachers in the two groups and we each preached a revival meeting at night time for four of the Christian Churches in Gonaives.  At the time we came home there had been a total of 34 souls who had been baptized into Christ.

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Joplin, Mo 64801