January, 2015



    a.  Translations of IAAR; It is slow work but we are continuing working on translations into Arabic, Chinese, Philippine and others.
    b.  Potential training trips this year to the Ukraine, India and  S.A.          c.  Train missionaries.  We hope to continue to train missionaries in IAAR. I’m connecting with different mission groups, campus groups etc. to encourage them to train their people in IAAR.
    d. I have made contact with Abraham.  He is living here in San Diego.  He is from Ethiopia. He wants to learn how to use the IAAR.  He is a fairly new Christian and is linked to groups of Ethiopian people around the world.  He wants to see many of those groups trained.  This week, I start having a weekly training with him
    e. I will be speaking at the Filipino & American Christian Convention in Seattle this July.  I met many of their folks last year on a visit to Seattle.  I spoke in one of their churches.  They want to start training their people in IAAR and they have a lot of contacts in the U.S. and the Philippines.
     f. Bruce Logan, an architect who took my IAAR course is connected with missions around the world. He is trying to arrange a meeting with the President of the Perspectives course.  He believes this training should be the follow up for everyone who takes the Perspective Course.  He is also working to get the IAAR translated in the language of Southern India.
      g. Jim Phillips, friend and preacher is in Kenya right now.  He is there (and travels to Uganda also) training Nationals how to use the IAAR.  They are having tremendous results as they have started using it.  Jim has invited me to go to Ukraine with him this fall also, where he regularly trains preachers in how to use IAAR.  

2.  Training through my online course.
     a.   Our first year was completed.  Starting in March of 2015 it will be offered with all new videos. The course proved to be a tremendous success.  It was taken by and impacted preachers, associates, missionaries, Nationals in other countries, professional Christians, house wives, etc.  
A New offering of the online course;
           STARTING THIS MARCH YOU CAN NOW TAKE IT FOR $50 instead of $300.  If you are interested in that for  you or a group from your church/ministry/mission write me at

We hope thousands around the world will be able to be trained in effective Disciple Making through this venue.

3.  Writing
      a.   Dr. James Scott Jr has come on board and is helping in so many ways.  He is a pastor, clinical therapist and writer.  You will be hearing more about him.  Thanks to him we have resurrected some books of mine and he is updating them and we will be offering them FREE for all to use in Discipling Christians.
      b.   My book series “Walking in the Light            As We Pass Through this Darkness.” will be coming out later this year.

4.   We will be opening soon a Disciple Maker Face Book page for those who have taken the online course and those who have been using IAAR for some time.

5.  I’m excited that Marshall Masser, the preacher at Lakeside Christian Church where we attend is recruiting a large group of members to take the IAAR online course in March.  I can’t wait to get that going here.

THANKS TO ALL OF YOU WHO HELP SUPPORT US.  We couldn’t be doing all this without your help.
If you would like to support these and all the other things we are involved in you can send it to:
Team Expansion
P.O. Box 21245
El Cajon, CA 92021

Make checks out to Team Expansion.
All gifts are tax deductible.

Blessings to you all 
John and Carla Hendee


Copyright © 2015 John Hendee, All rights reserved.