
and Prayer Requests

 from Indonesia 

Java Evangelism
Dennis and Lynn Free


Greetings from Indonesia!  We a blessed by your prayers and partnership.


Please pray with us about a couple of concerns from recent days; both are in Western Indonesia, far from our home in Ambon:


1. Our co-workers in the Tsunami area had to help arrange the escape of a new believer to a “neutral” site after her faith was discovered and she was threatened.  Pray for her perserverance in the faith, for wisdom as the sole parent to 3 children, for her physical needs.


2. Dale and his wife have decided they are better suited for ministry in a less demanding place than Rabbit County.   Pray for them and for Al and Linda who, after a break with family, will be returning with renewed strength and deeper vision for those people that Al first served following a devastating earthquake in 2009.    Several people indicate interest in the gospel, but moving them toward full commitment, baptism, and the forming of a fellowship has been difficult for them and for other workers in the region.   Join us in a prayer for a breakthrough.   Ask God to show us how to best coach them from afar.


On Friday,  Speedy will return to our city with his wife and five-year-old son.   This will be the first time Jean and EI have been in Indonesia since their forced departure in 2012.   Pray for strength, wisdom, adjustment.  Pray for them to be able to disciple the man who came to faith and was baptized in the last few days Speedy was here in October.


Dennis is giving a great deal of his time and energy to checking potential Kingdom business opportunties that might be able to secure a visa for Speedy and family.   The proposed business has many potential risk.  Please ask for wisdom.


We also dream of expanding the Fast Start pre-school started by our daughter, Bethany.   We will be looking for a more neutral location so we can potentially draw students from Chrisian and non-Christian enclaves in the town.   Real estate prices in our packed city are skyrocketing.   If we are to reach the potential for this project we will need to be prepared to pay around $1500 per month for 36-48 months, up front!  Rejoice with us that a major supporter who because of financial challenges had discontinued support has told us they will again be partnering with us.   This will help, but will not be the full answer.    Join us in prayer for an economically viable, strategic location.  The bi-lingual pre-school and planned English courses are designed to be educationally solid, and to give us broad opportunity to recruit potential partners in ministry and to build bridges with non-Christians.


Praise the Lord with us for the growth in emotional and spiritual maturity we are seeing in Mike, a local man who is partnering with us in outreach to the SKT people on the North Coast of Ambon.



Until all Clearly Hear,

Dennis & Lynn signature  


Short term teams are welcome
Recent team conducting an “English is Fun” Day in a village area. 
Please read and prayerfully consider the links below. rching for God’s plan for your life?  Want a significant short-term cross-cultural experience?  We invite you to consider the articles linked below.  Click the links