Prayers for South Sudan

“Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” Romans 5.3-5


Grace and peace to you this first week of February!
Today I ask that you join me in praying over the work in South Sudan. As some of you know, there has been unrest in the young country for over a year, and it has taken a toll on our Sudanese brothers and sisters. But our God is mighty and he is still doing great things in this country and through His resilient people.
Our work would not be able to stand during this period without Christ’s strength and protection, and we are so grateful that He has sustained us throughout this trying time for the nation. Pray with me for the three clinics and multiple educational initiatives we continue to carry out around the nation in partnership with community churches. Ask that the Lord would continue to be faithful in providing for these programs and the churches that faithfully serve alongside us in restoring hope.
Please uphold our country director, Richard, in your prayers as he goes through a period of poor health. Last month he fell ill and has had to undergo multiple treatments and medical investigations. We continue to pray for answers, for a quick recovery, and for all operations to continue as needed while our vital team member is away. Ask for God’s blessing over our other South Sudan staff members who have so faithfully served out the calling on their lives. Pray that they would be protected, that their loved ones would be kept safe, and that all would remain healthy and able to continue the mission.
In a few weeks a US team will be traveling to visit South Sudan to serve as an encouragement to the LIA team and those who serve alongside us in the country. Pray for spiritual strength as they prepare for this trip and for safe travels. We hope that this will be a transformative experience for all involved. Also be in prayer for the Maper community. Recently, the area has become unstable to the point that the visiting team will not be able to visit that community, yet our staff continues to serve. We pray for the safety of the people, that God would be their constant comforter and guide, and that peace would return to their region. 

I so appreciate your partnership in prayer. God bless you throughout your week.
In Christ,

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