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Serving the people of Poland since 1954  

Polish Christian Ministries
February 2015

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.”  
II Corinthians 1:3-4

The God of all comfort is full of compassion toward His people in every circumstance of life.  This past month one of our Polish preachers went on to be with the Lord.  This was a part of the eulogy shared at his memorial service.

Anatol Sacala, a son of the preacher Szymon Sacala, was born on November 17, 1933 in Muratyn.  In 1928 Szymon started the Muratyn church. They met first in his house, then in the chapel which they built. Szymon was their minister for 65 years. After that Anatol became the minister for the next 27 years. He was ordained on April 12, 1987. For many years before his ordination he preached and helped his father. Many difficult times were experienced in this small village in east Poland.  First from the people, then during World War II and especially after the war great challenges were faced by the church. There was fighting between Poles and Ukrainians. At one time, the whole village was burned down.  Some people were killed while some left the village and went to the cities. But the Sacala family remained. God saved them to carry the ministry of preaching the Gospel. In 1963 Anatol married Nina, who was a great helper to Anatol in his ministry. They had four sons, all of them are faithful to the Lord. People in the village, after many years changed their attitude towards the Sacala family and the church. For 30 years Anatol lived with one kidney, but he never complained of it. On January 4th, he came to the kitchen for breakfast.  He usually prayed standing but this time he knelt. After the prayer he could not stand up. The Lord called his faithful servant to his heavenly home. Many Christians from neighboring churches and many people from the village came to his funeral. It was a good opportunity to preach the gospel message. The people liked Anatol. May the Gospel which Anatol preached bring fruit in the lives of his neighbors in the years to come.
Please pray 
…for Nina and the entire Sacala family as they grieve the loss of their beloved husband/father/friend.

…for Zbigniew and Lidia Chojnacki (pastor in Ostróda) as their son-in-law died of a heart attack while playing soccer. He leaves a young wife and three children
…for Basia Zwolińska (pastor’s wife in Olsztyn) who recently had cancer surgery.

…for Matt and Haylee James, the US interns who will be traveling to Poland this month for a 12-week internship with three churches (Ostróda, Sandomierz, and Warszawa International Christian Fellowship).  They will be assisting in the worship ministries and serving the local churches in outreach initiatives.
for the short-term team coming to Poland this month who will share with the ELI interns in Warsaw, various church groups, and worship leaders at CSM. 
Please pray for safety in journey as David (Feb 4-Mar 11) and Sandy (Jan 21-Mar 30) are traveling throughout Poland. 

Please pray that God will continue to bring reconciliation between Poland and the Jewish people. Sandy Hatfield joined representatives from 25 nations at a prayer conference in Kraków commemorating the 70th-year anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. May 2015 mark a new season of restoration and healing from all that occurred on Polish soil not so long ago. 
Please continue to pray for Lois Harris and Wayne Murphy. Lois goes in for her third of six chemotherapy treatments on Tues, Feb 17th. Wayne is still preparing for a liver transplant as soon as it is physically possible.
2014 tax-deductible giving receipts were sent on January 20th. Please contact the office if you have not received yours. 
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