CMF International News



Mexico church sends mission teams to new area

Posted: 27 Jan 2015 10:22 AM PST

The King of Kings Church in Huehuetoca, Mexico, will send another team of missionaries to Tantoyuca, Veracruz, in March to encourage, train and minister to believers in four new house churches, according to CMF missionaries Casey and Teri Hancock. The Hancocks helped start the King of Kings church several years ago, and are excited to see it beginning to reproduce in another state.

Sharing Christ in Veracruz“Four times last year (2014) the church sent missionaries to Veracruz, a Caribbean coastal state in Mexico,” said Casey. “I participated in two of the trips, but the other two were completely financed, initiated and coordinated by the Mexican church and her leadership from the King of Kings congregation. A fifth trip was also made earlier this year.”

Tantoyuca is a town in the northern part of the state of Veracruz, about an hour and a half from the Caribbean coast of Mexico.

“Dirt roads are very common and potholes are abundant,” Casey said, “but the people are very well-mannered and incredibly hospitable. Two Mexican believers – a teacher and an electrician – started the works in Veracruz. They saw a need that their friends, neighbors and co-workers had for the hope in Jesus Christ. ”

“Please pray for these four house churches and for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are learning and growing in their faith and service daily,” added Casey.