I am preparing for our February 6 TMI board meeting in GA, and working on my March and April trip to Crimea and mainland Ukraine.
I now have all the bookkeeping to manage, but after doing it myself for one month, I will train someone to handle at least the deposits of not the checks, but I will continue to do all the QuickBooks bookkeeping and financial reports for the foreseeable future.

One nice thing about this technological age, though the flip side of it may not be so good, is that I can be at work administratively wherever there is an internet connection.
We are pretty well set up in our new home, but have lots of things to unpack yet, and a library/reading room/office to equip and furnish. Some of our things to unpack have not seen the light of day for 30 years; others for 20 years.
TMI’s bare bones budget needs help. Pray that we can find new supporters, maintain past supporters, and sell the old college building and hopefully net a cushion for the Center. Pray for our staff of four and Shannon who has her visa and leaves Tuesday to return to Crimea. It has been a tough year for the troops, but they are not only ‘hanging in there’ but serving the Lord with energy and steadfastness, and love and grace.
Attached is a newsletter from a YWAM ministry in Ukraine. The family usually lives in Crimea but have been on assignment in Western/Central Ukraine and are considering their options to serve in Crimea. I visited them in June when I visited coworkers and associates who had moved to mainland Ukraine. I thought you might like to read their perspective and say a prayer for them, their family and ministry.
I close with a note of encouragement from our affiliate and partner ministry, the Christian Center for Science and Apologetics (Ukraine):

Do you have opportunity to see churches to tell that your ministry is the only students outreach opportunity at the occupied territory now? I believe much more people in the West should know what is Ukraine and specifically Crimea. National churches have semi-legal status at the occupied territory till they prove (how?) they are completely loyal to the new regime, and they are very limited in mission opportunities. That is why our ministries have strategic importance there these days!

May the Lord help us! I am extremely grateful to Him for the joy of partnership with you at His field, as well as for all teaching, wisdom, guidance, experience and care He provided to Olga and I through LaVerne and you from the time you first met us as a newborn babies in Jesus till these very days!

Yours by His grace


Yours and His
in the incendiary fellowship of the body of Christ,
seeking to fulfill the mission Christ has for his ambassadors,
under the yoke of Christ