NorthPointe Christian Church


Please pray for Chrystian. Chrystian is going through a difficult time with his children’s mother and trying to discern the right steps to take. He wants to be involved in his son’s lives, but feels like she is making it very difficult on him. He told me recently that he feels like he’s stuck and just doesn’t know what to do. Chrystian is young in his faith and is really trying to seek the Lord for the first time in this situation. Please pray for clarity and wisdom for Chrystian.

Please pray for Holly. Holly is a young mother with four children. Her husband passed away when their youngest was less than a year old. Since then, she’s had a difficult time making ends meet and feels like she’s in a hopeless situation. Holly does not attend NorthPointe, but has gotten connected with us through one of our outreach ministries. Please pray that we’re able to minister to Holly and show her the love of Christ and that she comes to a point in her life of choosing to follow Jesus.

Please pray for Dylan. I’ve mentioned Dylan a couple of times now and God is really moving in this young man’s life. He has decided to give his life to Jesus and get baptized. He and I have been meeting to talk about his relationship with his father and the best way to find peace and reconciliation. Dylan is really growing in his faith and desire to be more like Christ and is reaching out to his friends to invite them to NorthPointe as well. Pray that God will use us to nurture Dylan’s new found faith and that he will be able to reach others for Christ too!

SouthPointe Christian Church


Pray for Crystal. She recently moved to Rhode Island from New Hampshire to essentially start her life over and leave behind a complicated past. Someone encouraged her to check out SouthPointe and she has jumped in with both feet…getting involved in serving, discipleship and a home group. She also recently found a job. Pray that she continues to find peace in this new chapter of her life.


Pray for Paul. Paul and his family have been a part of SouthPointe for a long time, but he has recently admitted to being an alcoholic and is coming to terms with his addiction’s effect on his life and his family. Over the last month he has gotten involved with Celebrate Recovery and has taken some really positive steps toward sobriety. Pray that he continues to attend meetings and continues to let God take control of this area of his life.


Pray for the Lott family. They are an incredibly key family in our church and have been with us from the beginning. They host a home group and they are very high level volunteers. Due to a recent job shakeup, they are unsure of their future and what’s next for them. Pray for them to find peace in uncertainty and that God would lead them where He wants them to be.

BridgePointe Christian Church


Natasha and Cristina are sisters who have been coming on Sundays and connected in a Home Group for a couple months. They are learning from the Bible and hearing the Gospel for the first time. Please pray that they would surrender their lives to Jesus and discover the life He offers them in return. Please also pray for Raul, Natasha’s boyfriend and father of their child, to step up as a father and open his heart to Jesus.


There is a young family in the church who recently had their second child. This baby was born with Downs Syndrome and has had many medical complications. Please pray for the baby to have weight gain, closed holes in his heart and increased pressure in his lungs. Pray for the parents to find comfort, peace and hope in Jesus. The baby’s health struggles have required their family to stay home to avoid further sickness or infection. Please pray that they experience encouragement and support from the church, even when they can’t participate to the degree that they desire.


BridgePointe is moving to three Sunday services on January 18. Praise God that His work through the church has created the need for more room for people on Sunday mornings. Please pray that our ministry teams would grow as the church grows. Pray for God to compel and convict people to serve with the time, talent, and gifts God has given them. Also, please pray that the new service times would enable more people to find hope in Jesus through BridgePointe.

OceanPointe Christian Church


Thank you for your prayers for Karen and her family in December. She passed away peacefully on December 19. It is incredible the legacy we are seeing from her life already! Karen’s prayer upon starting at OceanPointe was that her daughter would come, too… Karen, her husband, daughter, and daughter’s fiancé were all baptized this summer, and the spiritual growth in their lives is remarkable. Karen’s side of the family has started coming to church now, and we have heard so many stories of lives touched by this woman. We praise God that she is with Him now and no longer suffering with cancer, but we continue to pray for her family and friends in the midst of losing her. Please pray specifically for Karen’s brother John who was very angry at God for losing his sister but is now wanting to come back to church!


Nic Mayberry arrived in Rhode Island and joined our staff on January 6! Nic will be leading our students ministry, and we are thrilled to have him! Please be praying for his transition into this role and leadership of our middle and high school students.


Please continue to pray for our 24/7 space. We are moving along with conversations to rent the space attached to the movie theater where we have Sunday morning worship, and we pray for God’s favor in this endeavor. Please pray also for the ten Home Groups that begin the week of the 11th, where we hope people will be able to grow in relationship with God and build community with others.


Matt and Tracy have been at OceanPointe and very involved since we started in April. We ask for prayer for their job situations– Both of them are having to work on some Sundays and reluctantly miss church with their two young boys. They will be hosting one of our Groups this season, and we ask that you pray with us that people in Tiverton would sign up for their Group and Matt and Tracy will be able to get more connected to people at church.

Restoration House Ministries

1300 Wellington Rd

Manchester, NH 03104
