CMF International News



Team celebrates two baptisms in Thailand

Posted: 12 Jan 2015 05:28 AM PST

The CMF team in Chiang Mai, Thailand, recently celebrated the baptisms of two Thai friends, according to a report from missionaries Preston and Kristin Coursey.

New lifeRosie is a student at a home for teenage girls who have given birth to children as a result of trafficking or violence. She recently accepted Christ as her Savior and celebrated that decision through baptism.

“Rosie is one of my students at the education center,” said Kristin. “She was rescued earlier in 2014 from a trafficking situation that led to her becoming pregnant at age 16. She has since welcomed her baby boy into the world and is living in the home while completing her high school education and attending a Thai church.”

Another new lifeAlex is a policeman who has worked with the team in their ministry to street children, and he recently accepted Christ and was baptized, as well.

“It is such a joy to see God working in the lives of the Thai people,” said Kristin. “We have just passed our two-year mark here and are so thankful for our committed supporters who allow us to be here doing this work. We couldn’t do it without you!”

The names Rosie and Alex are pseudonyms and have been changed for their privacy and protection.