Good and Bad News:


By Sam Gill

Bad News: Reopening School, after the Extended Winter Break, A Big Challenge.

Hello Dear Supporters,

As many of you may know that after the inhumane incident of killing 132 innocent school kids by the Taliban, schools were kept closed for an extended period of time in Pakistan. This came after the Government conducted a threat assessment from the Taliban.

The Pakistani Government, after keen consideration, decided to announce new requirements for the reopening of schools on Jan. 12, 2015.  These requirements focus mostly on high security measures such as raising boundary walls, topping them with concertina razor wire, hiring security guards and installing closed-circuit camera systems.  Until we install these measures, we cannot reopen our school.

Recently our New Hope School staff attended a meeting at the police station to learn about the new security requirements.  It was frustrating to hear that the security rules were made as one-size-fits-all.  The police officer also mentioned in his briefing that there will be no financial help provided by the Government.  So, if we want to reopen our school, we have to meet the security requirements.

In our meeting last night with our New Hope School staff, I told them that I would bring up this subject to our Christian brothers and sisters to help us out in this situation.  In order to complete all security measures and hire two security guards, it definitely will cost us a bit more than we planned.  But we do not have any other option to reopen our school.  If we will not open our school it will certainly negatively impact our students’ education, lives and also the lives of their parents.  These students are our future leaders.  We cannot sacrifice their future on the altar of inconvenience.  Would you please financially help us get over this hump?

Here is what we have to do immediately:

One Time Need:

Hiring tow military retired guards
Guard uniforms
Military guns for two guards  recommend by the Government
A guard tower (made of sand bags, appropriate for our small school)
Boundary walls, topping them with concertina razor wire

Monthly needs:
Salaries for the two guards/months

Good News: A Big Thanks
          New Hope Christian Ministries of Pakistan’s team would like to express their gratitude for your generous kindness in the form of financial support.  Our words seem insufficient to tell you all “Thank You.”  Back in June of 2014, you generously met the need when we sent you a request for our housing and transportation for our upcoming move to Pakistan.  First, when we were writing this support letter, we were reluctant to ask for help.  But God convinced us not to be shy.  Therefore, we prayerfully sent our support letter to all of you, so that you may share in propelling us in the work of the Kingdom of God, as we all obey His command of Matthew 28:19, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,..”


          The turnout was miraculous, in the form of your response, to participate in the extension of Jesus’ mission in Pakistan.  We would not be able to do it without the help of God through you!  Thank you!  By the Grace of God, we achieved our goal in the end of December, 2014.  The next step is our moving to Pakistan, very soon.  After moving there, our major focus will be training leaders and providing a good education to children.  Right now, we are running a school, in a small rental building, where 80 children are receiving godly training.  Our sewing center is operating in the same building.  If you all keep supporting us the way that you have been doing, there is no doubt that we will be able to build our own school building.  This building will be used for our School, Bible College, Adult Education Classes, Sewing Center and English Language Center.  Definitely, we will provide you with the details of this proposed building and budget, very soon.  We wish you all a blessed new year 2015.  May God shower His blessings upon you and rejuvenate you physically and spiritually, and may you lack nothing in your lives.


Sam Gill
Founder & Director NHCMP