Mission Services
Merry Christmas!!
The Week
in World Missions
December 24, 2014
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Bringing the World of Missions to You on this Christmas Week!
December 24, 2014

On this eve of the day on which we celebrate the birth of our Lord, everyone at Mission Services would like to wish you a Merry Christmas!  We have so much news and information to share this week, in spite of the fact that this is “Christmas Week.”  We are providing a summary of the news available over the week ending yesterday, December 23, 2014 on  the missions network with links to the stories, news, and videos. Please take a few moments to scan these headlines, click on those that interest you, and share this with someone you know who is interested in world mission. Anyone who wishes to receive these weekly news updates should send an email request to editorial@missionservices.org.  


December 23, 2014

Jesus 4 Greater Asia Dec 2014 – End of the Year ministry and family news from Paul and Rickie Clark 

Jesus Ramirez has gone home to be with Jesus 

Life in Abundance – A Victory to CELEBRATE! – Dec 23 2014 

Is Missions for Me? Ask Megan and Michelle – video


December 19, 2014

Pray for Morocco! – Pray for the Nations Video

December 2014 Newsletter from Al & Mary Gonzales 

Java Evangelism – Dec 19 2014 – the Frees are back in Asia and send Christmas greetings 

CMF Intl News – 15 baptisms in Mexico 

Help Celebrate Christian City’s 50th Anniversary of Ministry in Metro Atlanta! 

     Please Pray for Those Persecuted by the Forces of ISIS      

December 17, 2014 


Reggie Hundley, Executive Director

Mission Services Association, Inc.

the missions network 


Our mission is to glorify God by partnering with…

missionaries & ministries for effective communication with their supporters 


congregations for the fulfillment of the Great Commission


