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Up tick in war, rumors and fears as China to send 700 combat troops to South Sudan. 
This is the first Chinese infantry battalion to take part in a UN peacekeeping mission. They are equipped with drones, armored carriers, antitank missiles, mortars and other weapons, completely for self-defense purpose. China’s “humanitarian” mission has been limited to protecting oil fields. 
It was December,15th, 2013 when shots were first fired among the presidential guard that kicked off the current war.  Fast foward one year later, tens of thousands dead, hundreds of thousands displaced.  This past week two attacks on Nimule – Juba road which is a concern for our fellow missionaries that serve nearby. Darfur is a mess and the U.S. is considering removing sanctions from the only President that has an outstanding warrant for his arrest for crimes against humanity. 
RESULTS : Your Prayers result in lives being woven together.  We prayed for peace talks in Pagok which yield results that are implicated, however, God only knows what happened there spiritually. see :speech  and  national mirror 
In the US you prayed  for : Mercy Partners meeting with collaborating ministries. We are happy to report success in heartfelt communication to project activity in the future to train other missionaries by constructing a training facility.  
Continue fervent prayer for our new country under this incredible strain during Christmas. 


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