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Sweet Moments

GNPI Board Members Victor Knowles and Don Lucietta reflect on their experience at our recent network-wide IHOP (International Hour of Prayer). You can also see and hear some of the prayers in our short “highlights” video of this sweet moment.


More News From GNPI…


A Wonderful Combination – Last week’s feature on how effective

   Solar Kits and The Global Gospel are in India.
Through Samatha’s Eyes – A beautifully written guest blog from

   a short-term worker who spent two months with GNPI-SE Asia.
Answered Prayers and Ministry Highlights in 2014 – part 1

Click here to see all the blogs

A NOMaD Team Taking a Stan for the Unborn


Roe vs. Wade: a very famous decision regarding the issue of abortion, at least in the United States…While lawmakers in Chile are considering the legalization of therapeutic abortion, Habacuc Diaz and our NOMaD team in Santiago have partnered with a pro-life ministry and have developed ¿Sabías Qué? (Did You Know?)—a Website, series of videos, and a Facebook page.




By Mike Schrage

Americans sometimes see the word “tribe” in a negative light. Tribe brings to mind things from the past that we don’t always like to talk about. It’s the same in Africa. To be called a tribalist there was like someone in our nation being called a racist! As we enter the Christmas season, understand that “tribe” can also be a very good thing.



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