I’m sorry to inform you that Dad passed away this morning at 2:30 am. He and mom had just arrived from Puerto Rico on Saturday morning. He was not feeling well, but thought it was abdominal. After a day of putting up with the pain and trying to push through, he went to the ER yesterday at around 5am. He had had a heart attack. As the day progressed, we thought he was better, but apparently he was not. He coded 3 times this evening-the first at around 11:30, the final one was around 2:30. 

He served God faithfully and fought the good fight. He is well now. We are broken. Please pray for us, we are shocked and filled with sorrow. We will be meeting to decide funeral arrangements today at 9:30 and I will update information as soon as I can. 

In HIS Love,

Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us. I Peter 2:12