December 2014

NorthPointe Christian Church


Please pray for Phil. Phil’s wife, April, has been coming to NorthPointe regularly since September. She has plugged into a women’s Bible study and our first impressions ministry. Her daughter, Brooke, comes with her every week, but Phil is not a believer and has told me he’d rather spend his time somewhere else on Sunday mornings. Phil and I have a common interest in cycling, though, and have gone on a few rides together. He’s been open to having spiritual conversations and he told me a couple of rides ago that the main reason he doesn’t come to church is because there’s a big group that rides every Sunday morning at 10am…the exact time that NorthPointe meets. Last Sunday, which was a beautiful morning, much to April’s surprise, Phil showed up on his own! Please pray for our friendship to grow and for Phil to come to know Jesus as his Lord and Savior!

Please pray for the Ribeiro family. Steve’s daughter, Bella, recently moved from Oklahoma to live with her dad. She was baptized 3 weeks ago and tells me it’s been a really positive change for her in every way. Bella’s mother, however, is refusing to pay child support and the family is struggling financially. Steve recently stepped out on faith and started his own business. Soon after, his wife, Tiffany, found out she was pregnant! While they’re excited for a new baby to come, Steve told me that the stress of a new business and an ex-wife not paying child support is starting to pile up. They are also struggling financially to make ends meet as Steve gets his business off the ground. Please pray for God’s peace for Steve, Tiffany, and Bella.

Please pray for Steve. Steve started attending NorthPointe 3 weeks ago. He told me that he grew up in church and went regularly until he was 18 years old. He wandered from his faith during his 20’s, but now he’s a single dad in his early 30’s and he’s starting to explore faith once more. We’re meeting for coffee next week so I can learn more about Steve’s story and hopefully re-share the Gospel with him. Please pray that Steve’s faith awakens and he once again starts following Jesus!

SouthPointe Christian Church


Pray for Jameson – a young man who has come to Southpointe a few times. He is not sure what he believes but has recently sought a mentor in the church. 


Pray for an extra measure of God’s peace and comfort for the Palmisano family- several members of this family come to Southpointe. They have lost 4 family members in 2014 and are going through a very hard time. 


Pray for Mike who has been getting clean from a heroine addiction. Pray that he stays clean and that he is able to find the support that he needs from the Church family at SouthPointe.

BridgePointe Christian Church


Lori and Lisa are twin sisters who started coming to BP in the spring of 2014 with their mom and teenage kids. They’ve been Praying for One ever since. Lisa’s ONE is her husband, Victor. Lori’s ONE is her boyfriend, Brian. Victor’s first experience was the Back to School fair in August. He started attending services a month later and is growing toward a commitment to Jesus. Brian, who was diagnosed with cancer over a year ago, is now in the late stages of his battle with liver and brain cancer. He asked for me to visit him last week. We talked on Friday and Brian gave his life to Jesus! His entire family- parents, sister, and others- worshipped with BridgePointe on Sunday. God answers prayers! Please pray that Brian would find joy in his walk with Jesus and that his hope in the midst of suffering would compel others to follow Jesus, too.  


Rachel and I have been developing a friendship with a young couple, Nick and Katie, who work at our health club. We have felt like they are ONEs God has called us to share His love with. After seeing them at the gym one night, Katie texted us randomly to ask about BP’s worship services. She said that she has recently had a desire to reconnect with God and bring their children to church. They have come the last two Sundays and will be bringing many family members with them this Sunday to see their oldest two children sing in our Children’s Christmas Program! Please pray that Nick, Katie, their kids, and their extended family would begin a relationship with Jesus this Christmas.


Last month, I asked you to pray for Keith Cabral. He is a friend and leader in the church who has felt God’s call to full time-ministry. I asked you to pray for God to provide the right opportunity for Keith to become a leader for BP. I asked this with no idea how God would answer. In the midst of a staff transition, God unexpectedly answered your prayers! Keith will begin in January as the part-time Family Life Director for BridgePointe! God answers prayers. Thank you!

OceanPointe Christian Church


While Jeff’s offer to baptize anybody in the ocean at any time of the year still stands, we have a middle school boy named Josh wanting to be baptized. He expressed interest several months ago but was deterred by his family. However, God has been working on Josh’s heart and leading him to their decision about Christ. We ask that you join us in praying for this young man’s growing relationship with God.

Please continue to pray for our future 24/7 space. The one we’ve been circling for many months now has had some recent developments, but we are still in the early processes of negotiation. Please pray that we heed God’s will for our church’s future home and trust God’s timing.


On the day of our Legacy (volunteer appreciation) event in November, we heard the news that Karen, a member of our church who is close to nearly everyone on our staff, tested positive for cancer after being cancer-free for about eighteen months. Karen was the recipient of our first Legacy Award this year because she is someone who gives to others and shines the light of God without ceasing. We ask that you join us in prayer for this special woman as God brings her through whatever lies ahead.


Please be praying that our staff and church continue to reach out to people and not get comfortable with the way things are. Pray that we will follow God’s leading to build relationships, give to others with joy, and never stop inviting people to church. Pray that we follow Jesus’ command to make disciples who make disciples and leave a legacy on this island far beyond ourselves.

Restoration House Ministries

1300 Wellington Rd

Manchester, NH 03104
