This person would be responsible for: 1)	training national evangelists to use modern technology (such as computers, internet, video projectors and cell phones) to further the Gospel 2)	setting up technology and logistics for internet training centers to be used throughout several 10/40 Window Countries 3)	developing resources in technology to enhance the spreading of the Gospel throughout several 10/40 Window Countries 4)	collecting resources (lessons, sermons, literature, commentaries, etc.) for evangelists that can be distributed through technology  Requirements: .	knowledgeable and talented with modern technology .	creative .	self-motivator .	willingness to enroll in the local university in a 10/40 Window Country to study the culture and language .	willingness to raise personal support .	willingness to commit for at least 2 years 
If interested contact via email "tom (at) discplemakers (dot) org