1954  Serving the people of Poland for sixty years  2014

Polish Christian Ministries
December 2014

For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus the Messiah. (II Corinthians 4:6)
As Christmas is upon us and the beautiful lights illumine the night, we rejoice that the Light of the world has come! Those who follow Jesus no longer walk in darkness but have the very light of life. May our beautiful Messiah fill your hearts and homes with the light of His presence this holiday season. Please join us in praying that God would send forth His light throughout the nation of Poland, scattering the darkness and bringing new life. 


Stare Miasto z Warszawa


Celebrating New Birth in Siedlce with Tytus Pikalski


From the PCM Staff: the merriest of Christmases
and the happiest of New Years.
Lois Harris, Zosia Charis, Liz Mentzer, Sandy and David Hatfield

Please pray for two co-workers who have served PCM for many years. 

Lois Harris, PCM’s Admin Ass’t, is home and progressing well from her cancer surgery. You may encourage Lois by writing her at

1212 Schucks Road, Bel Air, MD 21015.


Thank you to the PCM board and friends for your cards and prayers.  They have been a real encouragement to me.  The community of believers is something very special. – Lois




Wayne Murphy was at Johns Hopkins but is now home waiting for a liver transplant. His wife, Diana, wrote, Our prayer now is to keep things somewhat balanced and getting Wayne stronger and his body ready for a liver transplant. Prayers are needed also that the insurance approval will come through.” You may encourage Wayne and Diana at 5136 Okonoko Rd., Paw Paw, WV 25434.