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PO Box 15133
Las Cruces, NM 88005-5133


A Note From Herb Pinney, NIMA CEO


December 6, 2014

Dear NIMA and Morning Glory friends,

As often happens, my plans for ministry were changed; I have a new direction this morning.  Yesterday I got  a call from Jon Forrest, a very good minister at FCC in Clovis, NM; a family was traveling to Las Cruces to be with a loved one on life support— would I help? Absolutely. The call came at 3:30 and I went right to Mountain View Hospital and room 104 in ICU. Nine (9) members of the family had already gathered from Deming and Clovis, and they were crying; their sister, wife, daughter, loved one was on life support and as I listened to the ICU nurse and doctor, there was no brain activity, a slight heart murmur brought on by meds; it was decision time.

Names fell by the wayside as we talked, prayed, yes, cried, in the pathos of the moment and the seriousness of the decision. Each one of them assured me that they were believers and were ready for what ever the Lord wanted; it was very dark as I made my way back to the car and office. I was back working on my 20-page Sunday church magazine when Melba called and wondered if I were coming home to supper; I asked for another hour. At 3 this morning God awoke me, as he often does, and brought to my mind to pray for that family; as I did, I remembered that on my plate this morning were a lot to pray about.

The response this year to the Morning Glory Christmas catalog was coming in slowly; we have a six classroom, two offices, modern boys and girls for teens bathroom and an assembly hall that is being built, all paid for, but the finishing and equipping must come before Jan 15, and the construction is right on schedule; Queno got a good deal and went outside of budget and bought a gate for the new entrance to the property; that too needs paid for.  The gift of desks for students, desks for teachers, classroom white boards, and so much more is still needed.  Most everyone could afford a student desk at $15.00 each or a teacher’s desk at $50.00 each, room equipment at $100.00, or just a small gift to help. It is easy, go to www.missionoffaith.org and on front page is PayPal button, follow the prompts and pay with credit, debit card, and my prayers this morning will continue to be answered. Or you could send a check NIMA at P O Box 15133, Las Cruces, NM at 88004.

Then Jesus turned my attention,  since it was too close to getting-up time to go back to sleep,  to Dean Pinney and his finishing up his Ph.D. that will make him very valuable to NIMA as the chief executive in waiting. We are running in tandem right now. As I push through my 81st year, my 12 to 13 hours or more a day, 7 days a week will need soon to begin to slow down, and Dean is grooming to move into first chair as I start playing second fiddle. But that is all on hold until Dean finishes his Doctorate. Dean has four kids in college—do I remember those days—he is having trouble financing the final few months of his Ph.D. and supporting the kids. We are praying for someone to sign for him as guarantor for the student loan, or an outright gift to invest greatly in the future of Morning Glory and NIMA. Phone or write me at 575-650-3915 or above address if you know of help. I no more than said “Amen” and my alarm went off. It’s a good day to get ready for the Lord’s day; a day started with prayer and Bible study is always off to a good start.
