
  photos from Haiti and Honduras Haiti

  • 20 of Lifeline’s leaders/pastors in Haiti were able to attend the Global Leadership Summit held in Port au Prince last month.  (see photo) Our leaders were so encouraged by the opportunity to participate in such a world-class training event.  Only God knows how this blessing will be used to advance His Kingdom in Haiti.  



  • Congratulations to Darwyn and Ana Sanchez, who are celebrating their 12th wedding anniversary!  (see photo) Darwyn is our Director of Schools in Honduras and Ana is a teacher at our Ocotillo Christian School.
  • Living Hope Mission in Tegucigalpa, the capital city of Honduras, has officially united with Lifeline.  For nearly a year we have prayed for God to lead in this process.  The seamless merge of Honduran leadership and U.S. supporters is the type of unity our Lord specializes in.  In January, our Central American leadership seminar (leaders from Honduras, El Salvador & Guatemala) will be hosted at the church and mission house in Tegucigalpa.


Navajo Nation

  • Praises that Barb Snyder is home and doing better, after being rushed to the hospital last week; still keep her in your prayers.  Barb is our Lovelink Field Coordinator for our Navajo ministry and serves alongside with her husband, Brian.
  • We praise God for the Baptist church in Winslow, AZ who is very gracious in allowing us to use their facility to house our work teams.  It is a beautiful facility which meets our needs until permanent housing can be provided at our Red Sands campus.  Please pray that God will provide funding for a permanent facility for our teams.



  • Praises for the new House Church that has opened in Cerro Tula; they have had 15-18 new people.


United States

  • JD Hite, Lifeline’s Advancement Director, had a great weekend of sharing Lifeline and preaching for First Christian Church in Elkins, WV.
  • Thanksgiving was a blessed time for our staff to share with their families.

Prayer Requests
  • Political changes in El Salvador have resulted in a significant tax burden being placed now on all churches.  Pray that this financial challenge will not impede the dynamic growth Lifeline has seen in its churches there.
  • Pray for Eduardo & Michael, Honduran leaders of the Living Hope Christian Church in Tegucigalpa which has now united with Lifeline.  Pray that they will quickly feel accepted and welcomed within Lifeline’s network of churches/pastors in Honduras and that their ministry will thrive with the support of fellow Christian leaders
  • Pray for the U.S. leaders who are considering being on a teaching team with Andy Sims (Lifeline’s Leadership Development Director) for all of our 2015 leadership seminars.  Pray that the right leaders will emerge for the seminars in each country.  Pray for humble, willing servants who will lead by example and character, not just the lessons they teach.  And pray that the Spirit will speak what must be spoken through each seminar teacher.
  • Several staff members are still have homes for sale.
  • Rob DeVoe’s cancer has advanced and is metastasized to several other locations.  However, praises to God that the surgeon was successful in placing a stent in the esophagus through the tumor (which had totally obstructed and he could not eat solid food), so for several weeks now he has been able to eat solid food and without pain for the first time in over a year.  He has a lot of pain but not at the tumor site.  Your continued prayers are needed.  We serve a God of miracles!  Rob serves as Lifeline’s Database Manager.
  • The Simms’ family has moved to Colorado; pray for them as they settle in. Ben is Lifeline’s Treasurer on our Board of Directors and Janet serves as Lifeline’s Communications Assistant. 

your partnership
Still Christmas shopping?

The season of giving is here us as we make our gift lists for family, friends, neighbors and co-workers!   But did you know that your shopping can benefit Lifeline!?!?



It’s the same great Amazon that you know and love and — even better!  Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Lifeline


Goodsearch / Goodshop

Raise money for Lifeline when you search the web and shop online!  Plus, when you use Goodshop, you save money with coupons and deals!


Thank you to everyone who has supported Lifeline through their purchases on AmazonSmile & goodsearch.  Every little bit adds up to transform lives for eternity!  

Lost & found

Recently, Christi and I vacationed with our daughter and son-in-law and their four children at Disneyworld.  We had a wonderful time seeing the experience through the eyes of our 7 year old twin granddaughters, their 4 year old sister, and even their 2 year old little brother.  We had a wonderful time, with the exception of a brief period time one day at lunch. 


After our meal, when we assembled at the restaurant entrance we realized one of the twins wasn’t with us.  We each looked at each other and almost in unison said, “Where’s Ansley?”  Later we learned that she was looking at a display near our table and got separated from us.


We fanned out through the restaurant looking for her.  Our search through the restaurant and adjoining gift shop yielded no result.  Where could she be?   Finally I looked across the restaurant and saw Christi waving me to the front.  I could tell by her demeanor that Ansley had been found.  She had gone to an adult and told them she was lost.  Two restaurant employees stayed with her, and as people would come by, ask if that was mommy or daddy or grandpa or grandma.  Finally she saw Christi and ran in to her arms.  She had been lost, but now was found.


During those few minutes that seemed like an eternity, our thoughts were consumed with one thing – finding Ansley.  As followers of Christ, there is one thing that should consume us, finding people who are lost because of sin, and share the good news of Jesus Christ with them. 


In Luke 19 we find the account of Jesus’ visit to the house of Zacchaeus – the short little man who climbed up in a sycamore tree so he could see Jesus over the crowds.  When the people in the community saw this, they were outraged; “He has gone to be the guest of a sinner.”  Most tax collectors were dishonest, and the people saw Zacchaeus as being no different.  But Zacchaeus was transformed by his encounter with Jesus.  He pledged to give half of his possessions to the poor and to pay back ten times the amount he owed to those he had cheated.


Jesus said that salvation had come to the house of Zacchaeus, and in Luke 19:10 he says, “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.”  When Jesus says he came to seek, it conveys the idea of pursuing us, coming after us, looking for us.  His compassion for those who are lost fuels his passion.  He is consumed with this.  And, there is great joy when the heart of a person turns to Jesus and is changed.  Because of his encounter with Jesus, Zacchaeus literally became a new man!  He had been lost, but now was found.


As followers of Christ, this should be our passion – to seek those who are lost, and show them the love of Jesus Christ in such a way that they will experience his love and be changed because of it. 


“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.  For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” — John 3:16 & 17



by Keith Dimbath, Lifeline’s Laborlink Work Team Director