Check out what’s new at New City Church in Phoenix!

Selfies, Identity, and Growing in Jesus


Have you taken a selfie lately? If you have, you’re joining the one quarter of Americans who have shared a selfie in the last year. The trend shows no signs of declining. More and more people share public versions of themselves, often tailored to perfection. 
How does a church engage with a self-oriented culture when we believe that our identity is in Christ? For New City Church in Phoenix, conversations about art provide an open door to spiritual truths. 

New City exhibits local art as a part of downtown Phoenix’s monthly First Friday art walks.  Their first exhibit this fall was titled “Perceived Reality: The Art of the Self Portrait.” Local artists contributed portraits in different mediums. People from the church and the city enjoyed food, music, and the opportunity to meet. The evening provided space for an open dialogue about how people perceive themselves, and what we allow others to see.
Participating in downtown Phoenix’s culture has introduced New City to many people. In three years, New City has grown from 100 people to 1,200 people! Because of their rapid growth, they recently purchased a building to expand their meeting capacity. The building is ideally located at a key intersection just north of downtown, where the people of Phoenix study, work, live, and play. 
New City Church video for 1300 N. Central Ave.
Lead Pastor, Brian Kruckenberg is excited about the next chapter in New City’s life and ministry. The leaders have prayed about this space for two years.
Over 200 people at New City have surrendered their lives to become followers of Jesus. They have been “crucified with Christ,” and their identities are now found in him. The world needs more churches like New City, who will point people towards life in Jesus! 

  • Please pray for New City, that God will continue to bring growth and that many will hear the good news.  Pray for them as they transition to the space in 2015.
  • Do you know someone who is interested in planting a church?  We are always looking for creative, dynamic leaders.  Point them in our direction. We’d love to start a conversation!

5 Values Shaping Our Volunteer and Staff Culture

Mike Hickerson at Mission Church in Ventura, CA

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