Dear Friends,

This is just a short note with a picture to let you know Paul came through surgery well today.  The doctor is very pleased with his work.  The surgery itself took 3 1/2 hours and altogether he was in the operating room and recovery area for 5 hours.

The doctor said the numbness in his toes may take up to 2 months to disappear, but Paul can tell already that it is better than it was before the surgery.  He will be allowed to sit up on the side of his hospital bed tomorrow and will walk with a high walker on Thursday. 

He said there is no comparison whatsoever to the intense pain he experienced with his hip replacement surgery 18 months ago. 

So we are thankful for the many of you who wrote this date on your calendars and told us you were praying, as well as those who lifted him up to the Father without letting us know.  God heard and He answered and we are humbly grateful to Him.

Praising our Lord for His grace and mercy in our lives!

Paul and Rickie Clark