
How are you giving back this holiday season?

Dear friend, 
This year, on Tuesday, December 2nd, KORE Foundation will take part in a national call to action that is changing the calendar and helping make history. Following Black Friday and Cyber Monday, we are celebrating a day dedicated to giving – when charities, families, businesses, churches, students, retailers and more will all come together for #GivingTuesday. 

#GivingTuesday is a national day of giving to help start the Christmas season.  Leading up to December 2nd, KORE’s #GivingTuesday campaign will provide a platform for you to help us cultivate sustainability in impoverished Haitian communities and help make this season the biggest giving season yet! 

We invite you to be part of this celebration and show how the world can do much more with our wallets than just consume. We have a big goal!  We want to add 1,000 kids to our protein intervention feeding program.  For $6.25 a month, a child will receive animal protein in addition to their typcial beans and rice diet.  $75 will feed  a child for an entire year!  Here’s what you can do to help make this initiative a success:
1. Donate $75 to KORE Foundation to feed a child for year. Consider donating as a unique Christmas gift to your friends and family.  When donating online, you can designate your donation as a gift in honor of someone.  We will send them a Christmas card in December along with a photo of a child who is a participant in the 6.25 Project.   

 2. Help us grow the #GivingTuesday movement and make a greater impact by sharing an idea of how to give back this holiday season. Between now and December 2nd, post your idea on our facebook page, using the #GivingTuesday hashtag or email it to us and we will share it for you. 
3. Follow KORE Foundation on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and share our messages about #GivingTuesday with your friends and family. 
We have added a new way for you to donate to KORE that is so easy!  Just text “KORE” to 41444.  You will be sent a link that will take you directly to our pledge page where you can donate any amount using your credit/debit card.  
Remember, all donations are tax deductible and you don’t need to wait until December 2nd  to start giving. 🙂 We hope you will join us in celebrating #GivingTuesday!  
Warm regards, 
KORE Foundation 

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