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This week Tom and Sandie will meet up with Thomas and Helen at the Columbus Ohio Conference Center for the International Conference on Missions. This years theme entitled “Vertical”  was developed to challenge missionaries to connect to God through prayer since our commission :  “ GO” – into all the world and make disciples of all nation’s ( Matthew 28)   is Horizontal in nature.


Tom and Sandie hope to meet with other Mercy Partners that will be present along with colleagues that serve all over the world and many of which are on the feild right here in North America.  

Pray for the connections that God has prepared. Pray that Tom and Sandie will yield to His soft whisper and direction.  

Pray that in the hustle of erecting the Mercy Partners exhibit and meeting commitments that they do not overlook those that serve around them. 

Pray for the administration of ICOM as they have many responsibilities to pull everything together.

Pray for their health and for safe travel during this event. 

If you plan on making it to ICOM – Tom and Sandie would like to see you – Visit Exhibit 234 for a picture! 



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