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New Developments in Damoh

by Manee Massey, Regional Director of GNPI-Damoh, India

We want to share some of the new developments happening in India. One of the major national satellite channels, Sadhna TV, contacted us regarding the broadcast of our TV series Nav-Chetna, based on the problems of youth...


More News From GNPI…


Meet Habacuc – Last week’s feature with Habacuc Diaz of our

   NOMaD team in Santiago, Chile.
Cultural Reversal – Watch this video about a rare opportunity

   our Thai co-workers had to do mission work in Minnesota!
Winter 2014 Prayer Report – Our quarterly prayer report, like

   Group 5•16, helps you pray in an informed manner.

Click here to see all the blogs

NOMaD Team Opens Amazing Doors in South Africa!

Here’s an exciting update on the work of the NOMaD team in South Africa and how they are helping with the epidemic of HIV and AIDS in their country.



Pray for ISIS

By Mike Schrage

There is no question that ISIS is evil. Yet, despite the temptation to dwell solely on this undeniable fact, we must remember two important points: ISIS army members were created in the image of God, and Christ suffered and spilled his blood so they could have the chance to truly know him.



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