Covering Egypt in Prayer

“I have surely seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt, and have heard their groaning, and I have come down to deliver them. And now come, I will send you to Egypt.Acts 7.34 


Life In Abundance has been called into Egypt at a unique time in it’s history. Over the past four years there has been a great deal of change and unrest. Our brothers and sisters in Christ have had to navigate through the constantly changing social and political landscape of their country.

Thankfully, many now feel free to practice their faith openly, including the LIA staff and supporters. The “new” Egypt, as our staff has called it, is in favor of LIA’s transformational development ministry and our program staff has seen great success. We give thanks to God for this blessing.

And yet, in spite of the positive changes, many challenges still lie ahead of our staff as they work to serve and bring Christ to the most vulnerable. Please join me in covering our staff, local church partners, volunteers, programs and the country as a whole in prayer.

  • Pray that God would grant our Egyptian TOT trainers foresight, knowledge, and favor as they continue to instruct other local pastors and community members in biblical, transformational development practices.
  • Pray for our country director, Dr. Amani, as she continues to discern what Christ has planned for the communities we work alongside, and as she stands up to opposition and struggles of the work.
  • Pray over our local church partners and volunteers as they carry out early childhood development (ECD) programs and minister to parents of the children they are caring for. Ask that our Lord would cover them in protection and safety, constantly inspiring action out of love and giving them the right words to reach the hearts of those they serve.
  • One of our ECD programs near the capital has already become sustainable through revolving loans and the community committee has opened a new ECD project as an expansion. Praise God for his goodness and ask that He leads this next phase.
  • LIA’s adult women literacy and single women empowerment projects have had great impact on the beneficiaries and their families. However, they are experiencing much opposition and threats from the Orthodox Church. Pray that the pressure will not stop them in doing this great and beneficial work.
  • As we expand and work with new communities, ask that Christ would go before us, blazing the way, providing guidance, and preparing the hearts of those we are meant to minister to. Pray that our Lord would bring peace to this country in a divine way, blessing them with a just and stable government, as well as the freedom to carry out their lives safely.

We give praise for how God continues to move in this country, and thank you for carrying this prayer with us as we walk towards true community transformation.

In Christ,

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