August-October: NHCMP Visited 8 States!
(Ohio, Washington, Nevada, Idaho, Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, Missouri)
Next Destination: Pakistan

We also would like to announce that we have received $60,000 out of $70,000, in our fundraising goal. 

A huge thank you to all who have given your love, your hearts, prayers and donations to help us get this far, in this fundraising effort to help us supply some of the basic needs that NHCMP needs, in Pakistan

Also, a big thank you to Sam and Marilyn Schurter and Max Boothby, and their Church for helping us to buy a car, in Pakistan.

We are still behind, $10,000, in meeting the $70,000 goal.  Please keep this amount in your prayers, as we hope to achieve this goal, by the end of this year (2014).

Being believers, we all believe that when we open our hands toward God, He opens His hands towards us, but here’s the thing: God has the bigger hand!

Where we were in August-September…


Where we were in October…

Update on Asia Bibi…

Asia Bibi has been on our hearts, lately.  Please click, down below, to sign a petition for her.  She has been mentioned, in our former newsletters.  She is a Christian mother, in Pakistan, who’s sentenced to be executed.  A while ago, she got into an argument with some Muslim women, who didn’t like her, in her village.  Because they were discriminatory towards her, she was frustrated. In her frustration, she said some things about Mohammed.  Because of that, she is on a death sentence.  A couple of Pakistani Political leaders have been killed, because they tried to stand up for her.  If we believers will not stand up for her, then who will? (Hebrews 13:3 – “Remember the prisoners, as though in prison with them, and those who are ill-treated since you yourselves are also in the body.”)  Please sign this petition to help for her release and freedom: 

NHCMP plans to be at ICOM, this year: November 13-16th.  If you are planning to attend, please stop by our Booth: #1349.  We would love to see you!  


How to Donate to NHCMP:

Donating Online:
Before clicking the link, down below, please read this:
You can donate for:

-Future Bible College and School Building (Pakistan Mission)
-Pastor Salaries (Pakistan Mission)
-School (Pakistan Mission)
-Sewing Center (Pakistan Mission)
-Salaries for the Sewing Center Staff (Pakistan Mission)
-Adult Education (Pakistan Mission)
-Sam and Brittany Gill (Pakistan Mission)
On the webpage, change the upper drop-down box to “Missions Fund,” and in the Special Instructions Box, write one item listed, on the above.

Here is the link for Online Donations:


Donating through the Mail

Please make your Check out to: Eagle Christian Church

Memo: Sam Gill – Pakistan Mission

Where to send:
Eagle Christian Church
100 Short Ln.
Eagle, Idaho 83616

Donations are Tax-Deductible