  • Praises for all the hard work Keith and Christi have been doing scheduling team travel, organizing projects for the new Grand Goave Children’s Home, etc., etc.


ministry pictures from Haiti and Honduras Haiti

  • Up, up and away! Slow but sure the Children’s Home playground equipment is going up.  (see photos)
  • Praise God for the work team that was just in Haiti!  This team of 20 ministered in the medical clinic, got a lot done in the new Children’s Home, helped build and dedicate three homes, and many other tasks and ministries. Bertie, who is a nurse and Gretchen’s sister, is still holding clinic this week!
  • Praises for all the progress being made by Karen Lydick (Board of Directors member) organizing and cataloging all the books for the library.  More books are needed in French or Creole; contact if you can help!
  • We are concluding our Haiti gift distributions this week for the February 2014 deadline; last week we concluded the October 2013 gift distributions.  We will notify sponsors in November when their gift photos are available to view and share at our online photo album.
  • Most of the textbooks have been distributed in Haiti; praise God for you who gave! Although we didn’t receive all the funds needed for all the schools, we did receive some funding through a government program that helps with books on a small scale. We have a shortfall but God will provide. Praise God!
  • 3 containers of ABC food cleared customs this week.  Praise God for Compass Christian Church (Texas) who provided two of them.
  • Flight troubles delayed AndySims’ (Lifeline’s Leadership Development Director) arrival in Haiti but the team was able to start the leadership seminar without him.  We thank God for talented leaders like Myron Williams (Southland Christian Church) and Briar Colwell (Greenwood Christian Church) who invest their time, insights and resources in Lifeline’s leaders.
  • This past February, Andy challenged the pastors in Haiti to disciple new leaders.  This past week’s leadership seminar doubled in size because so many newly discipled leaders were invited to come.  Praise the Lord!
  • The Haiti leadership seminar team led 3 marriage seminars in Mahotierre, Duexieme Plaine and Grand Goave that were well attended and VERY lively.  Many marriages were blessed and everyone present had so much fun.



  • Last Sunday, more than 70 leaders from all our Honduran churches came together at our Ocotillo location for encouragement to finish this year in ministry strong. All leaders and pastors heard God’s Word and encouragement through pastors Antonio Oreallana and Jose Luids Hernandez. (see photos) Continue praying for our pastors and leaders and for the spiritual and numerical growth in our churches!
  • The sponsor gifts for Honduras Christmas distribution have arrived in Honduras. We thank God that they cleared customs so quickly.
  • Pastor Mauricio and his wife will be the new pastor at a church plant in Santo Cruz de Yojoa; he had previously been our caretaker at CaryHill (Lifeline’s work team campus in Honduras) and graduated from Lifeline’s Bible Institute. Everyone is very excited as this is a dream of theirs to pastor this church. Please pray for them in the move and also as we seek financial assistance for their support and ministry needs.


United States

  • ABC food, our meal packing ministry, is on track to exceed our goal for 2014! 

Prayer Requests
  • Please pray for the work in El Salvador as we anticipate hosting more teams there.
  • Rob DeVoe, Lifeline’s Database Manager, needs concerted prayer; he is having much pain and the chemo is taking its toll on him.
  • Still need 2 passenger vans for the Navajo work; contact for details.
  • Brenda Johnson (Volunteer Work Team Coordinator) and several women are in Honduras to distribute Christmas gifts to the sponsored children; pray for their safety and spiritual blessings.
  • Finances: funds are tight right now and extra donations would help.  We praise God for our faithful givers, many who give sacrificially.
  • Food packing events continue around the U.S.  The U vs. Hunger food packing event at OSU football stadium this weekend.
  • We need people who would consider sponsoring a child this Christmas.  There are so many kids in Lifeline’s child sponsorship program who are waiting for a sponsor!  Sponsor today or contact
  • We need to purchase a newer box truck as our food packing ministry grows. The financial need is $20,000; contact for details.
  • Pastor Mordequeo in Choloma, Honduras says the old car being used to pick up church attenders is ready to die.  Pray for the funds to purchase a newer vehicle or a mechanical miracle.


  • The leaders in Honduras are searching for a Christian couple to live as house parents at the new Bible Institute.  Pray for the right couple to be found quickly.

  • Pray for Pastor Antonio (Honduras) and his family, who have been bearing an especially heavy burden in their ministry this past year.  Pray for encouragement and rest.

your partnership
Join the fun & change lives in Haiti!
U vs Hunger

While the Buckeyes are away battling Penn State, 

we’re taking over Ohio Stadium to tackle hunger! 


tomorrow, October 25, 2014 

pick your packing session: 9a, 11a, 1p, 3p, 5p  |  free stadium parking

$15 at the door

Imagining Heaven

Rest on this earth is a false rest.  Beware of those who urge you to find happiness here; you won’t find it.  Guard against the false physicians who promise that joy is only a diet away, a marriage away, a job away, or a transfer away…


Try this.  Imagine a perfect world.  Whatever that means to you, imagine it.  Does that mean peace?  Then envision absolute tranquility.  Does a perfect world imply joy?  Then create your highest happiness.  Will a perfect world have love?  If so, ponder a place where love has no bounds.  Whatever heaven means to you, imagine it.  Get it firmly fixed in your mind.  Delight in it.  Dream about it.  Long for it.


And then smile as the Father reminds you, No one has ever imagined what God has prepared for those who love him


When it comes to describing heaven, we are all happy failures.



excerpt from When God Whispers Your Name by Max Lucado

memorials & honorariums
Gifts Given to Remember

In honor of Paul & Emily Bell, given by Robert Grondahl


In memory of Clarice Hamlow, given by Carl Hamlow