After five years of fund rising, IFC recruits Ross and Megan Najmon finally arrived in Italy on October 14!  
They will now attend one year of language school in Lecce (just an hour away from Francavilla).  
Their arrival is like a breath of fresh air!  Please pray for them as they adjust to the Italian culture.
The requests at the Counseling/Training Center have almost doubled since the beginning of the year.  Two-thirds of those
requests come from the community at large.  We have contacts from 13 different towns and 10 evangelical churches.  
We praise God that we are gaining trust and credibility to walk alongside the hurting and the hungering so that they may know Him more deeply.
The church at Francavilla has gone through 18 months of losses:
Four of our younger families have moved to either northern Italy or Germany to find work;
The worship leader (raised in the FF church) and his wife are moving to Rome this week for work and to be near her aging parents;
One couple has moved their membership back to their home church;
Another couple moved back to their home town and have filed for a legal separation.
As many of you know, Jim underwent three different surgeries from July 14-August 30 for urostomies.    
During that same time  he found out that he has a small hole in his right retina which could compromise his sight in that eye.  We have an appointment on Monday, October 20 to monitor the situation.  He has also been told that he needs a biopsy of two “ugly duckling” patches on his right leg.  Need to schedule that within the next few months. In spite of all the “Job-challenges” he continues to be the administrator of the Center, conducts the elders’ meetings and a small conflict management group in our home.
We mailed our yearly financial report to our supporting churches and individuals on October 16.  
For the very first time we did a joint report with Gianni and Stephany to give an over-all view of IFC’s status.
God truly provides all we need through your prayers and support.  Thank you. 

May our God of all Grace bless you as you persevere in serving Him and reaching out in His Name!
Jim and Caranita

Caranita Wolsieffer