I just wanted to let you know some things that are happening.

  1.  Our work of getting the Peace Treaty/It’s all About Relationships into other countries is progressing.
  1.  On my current on-line course through Hope International University we have missionaries in Japan and Germany taking the course.  We have a national 37 year old Pakistan Christian leader taking the course; he is surrounded by Muslims and has been all his life.  We have a man in Chile taking the course. We have a Chilean living in L.A. taking the course.  We have two Team Expansion people taking the course.  We have a man, an active architect who is super involved in global missions taking the course.  He is 74!!

And there are others. 

Why don’t you get your missionaries and National leaders to take this course?  It could change their lives! 
Why not PAY THE TUITION for them to help them get this valuable training?
Why not get the leaders from your congregation to take it and then they can start training others in the congregation?

  1. We are developing a plan where a congregation can have 6 or more of their leaders take the on-line course and then that will give them access to a very inexpensive version of the same course to train their people.


  1. I’m working closely with Jim Phillips.  In January he was in Uganda and Kenya. He did the IAAR training with 75 leaders there, most of them young adults.  He returned in June.  They had started using the IAAR presentations.  They are on fire.  Their mission had grown by 30% in 6 months.  Their leader was blown away. He will return to these places and new doors are opening over seas.  DO YOU HAVE MISSION WORKS THAT COULD USE THIS TRAINING? Let me know; john.hendee@cox.net

Jim is also training in the Ukraine.  We are looking at moving into large cities where there are pockets of young Christian adults and train them.  Jim is working on a plan to build large dormitories near universities to house and reach out to students.  This is exciting.

  1.  Lord willing I will go to Chenai, India next year and possibly the Ukraine too, to do training with Nationals in evangelism etc.  That will be possible if our support holds in place.
  2. I just spoke at the Men’s Meeting at Chandler Christian Church and shared the Dragon Slayer material.  It was well received.  What about your men’s group?
  3. I’m going to First Christian Church in Johnson City, Tenn.  Next month.  They are developing a 5 year plan for evangelism; at the heart of it will be training as many people in the use of the IAAR as possible.
  4. I have connected with the Association of Campus Ministries.  We have about 100 campus ministries across the country.  I have my foot in the door with them.  Some of them want to start taking their leaders through the on-line class in January.  We hope to get dozens of them doing this.  We will also be communicating with them about Mission opportunities in their future.

God is working folks.
Your support is vital.
If you know others who would like to help support us please let me know.
Your support will help many reach people for Jesus.

We aren’t slowing down!!!!
For the King
John Hendee

You can send checks to:
Team Expansion
P.O. Box 21245
El Cajon, CA  92021

Tax deductible

Copyright © 2014 John Hendee, All rights reserved.
You are getting this because you know John.

Our mailing address is:

John Hendee

469 Harbison Cyn Rd

El Cajon, CA 92019