Dear Prayer Partners and Supporters,
I am sending a prayer request for your attention.
Please be praying for me and Al Corson of Insight Resources International.  We will be leaving from Hong Kong this Friday morning, October 17 to go to Batangas, Philippines for an IRI and CCC combined teaching time. 
I have been studying with Al these past 4 weeks to prepare for this.  My co-workers, Marie Panti and Cody Ching,  in the Philippines have been setting up the IBS part of this study time.
The major point of prayer is for understanding of what is taught and for safety of travel and health while we are there. 
I will also be getting a paper from the China Embassy which involves Ken’s death certificate from the Philippines.  A tax refund is due to Ken’s beneficiary (Me!), but cannot be processed until this one paper is collected.  I will spend at least one extra day in Manila to take care of this.
Thank you for your prayers on behalf of all involved with this study at this time.
For the ongoing kingdom of God,