CICM has a Nursing College that trains men and women in the medical field. The school is Biblically based and those who attend are Christians. Once out of school, the graduated Nurses find jobs and are able to use their vocation as a way to share CHRIST, as well as sustain a life for themselves and their families. 
Our Medical Ministry is thriving and the Hospital growing. We have seen GOD use this Hospital to restore life to the sick and heal the hurting. 
We have recently received word that the government in India is requiring we update the Nursing Dorm to keep it from being shut down. The work to update the facility has already begun but we are in need of additional support to help continue the process. Would you pray about giving towards this need? Everyday GOD uses this Ministry to bring people closer to Him. We ask you would consider being a part of that. 

Mission Hospital Promo Master 8.25.14.mp4
Mission Hospital

Thank you for your significant part of CICM! 
To give a gift online or to learn more please visit our website at
Our mailing address is: 
22 West Bryan St. 
Savannah, GA 31401


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