It's all for the kids!
A personal note from Gretchen, Lifeline’s Co-Founder, who just returned to Haiti…

Today I am at a loss for words (no comments!). 


I just came back from seeing the new Children’s Home for the first time since I left here March 1.  I cried like a baby; it is gorgeous!  So much gratitude in my heart to God and EVERYONE who has worked so hard, prayed, gave and encouraged.  It is AMAZING to say the least.  Bob, Bobby, Bertie, Elaine and I are here now.  Bertie had a circle of prayer to praise God.   

Children's home photo
The praises are not only because it has become a reality, but since 1980 God gave the vision in our heart to have a Children’s Home at Lifeline.  God’s timing is always best and He knew it would take time, so He gave us the one in Port au Prince (at Mahotiere) and we thought He answered our prayers then. But today, I was brought to my knees for this second, much-needed gift from God. He loves His children and gives so much more than they can hope or imagine. Thank you, Lord!


What also brings great joy is thinking about all the teams who came and worked to keep it going.  The team that Doug Kuepfer put together, the Men’s Team (led by Mark Gulley), and so many more…  AND all the Haitians who are out there right now, working with pride!  Many learned new skills they had not known before.

Children's Home photos
And a special thanks to all the women in Oregon who made quilts for the children and the women from Chapel Rock (Indiana) who made little  “bed bags” for each child to have on their beds to have for their personal items…bed bags, not bed bugs!  :-)


A very special thank you to our friend from Canada who basically provided all the furnishings in the Home. This woman has amazed us since day 1 with her vision to advance God’s work.


Thanks to Grinnell Christian (Iowa) for the playground; it is sort of like putting a puzzle together but it WILL get done!


A special thanks to my husband for all his hard work and vision. There is tremendous responsibility in the decision making processes and God has gifted him with wisdom.  But also to Bobby Curlee for using all of his amazing talents and going the “extra mile” (literally) through the Hogs For Haiti fundraising rides, to help fund the new Home, and for all those long days and the hard work he puts into everything he does…you don’t see Bobby “walking” around here; he is always running! 

Children's Home photos
When we arrived Wednesday in Haiti, I brought with us the plaques that will hang in the Home in memory of Liz Hall’s brother and son-in-law: 2 soldiers who gave their lives in Iraq for our country, and whose legacy includes a great portion of the initial finances for this Home.  You will see these plaques when you come down! Thank you Liz, for letting God touch your heart a few years back, here in Haiti.  You are precious and special to us, too!


I wish you were all here to see how wonderful it is.  There is still MUCH to do but always, God’s timing is best.


Thank you, each one for being part of this much-needed Home.  Praise God with us!



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Work is finishing up on the new Children’s Home in Grand Goave, 
with the dedication scheduled for October 23; we’re so excited!