New Life in Christ Jesus! 



As our work continues in N. Africa, we take pause to reflect on what God has done in the village we had just departed from. 
After a  two weeks of teaching by candle and kerosene, the Children of Abraham have entered the New covenant having sins washed away at baptism ( Romans 6, Gal 3:27) they will now continue to go out to all the world and make disciples by doing the same. Waka Atanasi, a fisherman was bringing in his net, while we were bring in ours, he decided that our eternal net was a better choice and decided to die with Christ along with the other three we had baptised! – 10 more Christian brothers and sisters! -2 Peter 3:20 expresses a foreshadow of this event! – “God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built. In it only a few people, eight in all, were saved through water,and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also–not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a clear conscience toward God. It saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ”.    
We ask that you Pray for the young Church of 16 souls as they continue to gather together to break bread, share fellowship, give themselves to the bible and prayer. 
Pray for Evangelist Paul O. as we are empowering him to move to Gudele South Sudan to work with the persecuted church.  
Pray for our continued work as we advance in hostle regions. 
Pray for Peace talks for South Sudan that resumed today ( Monday)  in Ethiopia.  A spokesman for the South Sudan army said nearly 180 troops from both sides in the 
nine-month conflict were killed in new clashes in Upper Nile state.  
Pray for our outreach to this region as well as all of South Sudan, Ethiopia and Uganda. 


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