Dear prayer partners,
We have found a house and will make an offer tomorrow.
It is not on the beach, which we preferred.
It is 25 minutes west of Tiffany’s, which is on the beach.

I know that God has far more urgent and important prayers to answer, but please pray for God’s providential guidance in our choice of a house.
In this case, it could mean that our offer is rejected, which we would consider a probable answer to prayer and not be disappointed.  On the other hand …. We would like to get this house hunting behind us! But always glad to wait on the Lord for something he knows is better.

We cannot second guess the Lord, but we do believe that he answers prayer … just sometimes we are not pleased with the answer. Especially when the answer is not ‘yes,’ ‘no,’ or ‘wait’ but something else.
Our flight to Simeferopol is getting close! Oct 6. Lots to do before we leave, and when we are there. May we have strength and health to meet our opportunities and the needs presented to us.

Pray for Nastya who has taken on so much responsibility for the management of the Center. Pray for successful completion of her registration as a sole proprietor which will enable her to receive money, hire staff, and pay taxes like we had been doing with our non-profit, the International Association for Education — which is seriously limited under the RF.

Pray for more students for our classes and other events. Usually they are ready for ‘extracurricular’ activities after the third week of classes, for it takes at least that long for the schedules in the universities to gel.

Andrei’s mom will soon have her followup exam to see how effective the radiation treatment has been.

LaVerne is still going to various medical appointments. She urgently needs to have her ankle fused, but most likely that will not be until after Christmas holidays. When we have a tentative date for that, I will be able to schedule my 2015 visits to our Crimean Center and to Ukraine to teach modular courses for two seminaries, including teaching in their satellite locations throughout Ukraine (well, skipping the eastern part for now!).

Pray for our CIU Center’s staff. They are under a lot of pressure in a land of uncertainty, but dedicated to letting God use their lives and resources to reach and equip students for Christ.

Pray for God to open the way to get compensation for CIU’s confiscated building and the protection of our other properties.

Pray for Ukraine and Russia and the people who have been adversely affected by the events of this year. Pray for those who have relocated, maybe never to be able to return ‘home.’ Pray for the families who have lost loved ones in the ‘war.’ Pray that the hopes for a just and free society will not be in vain.
Pray for our travels.
Thank you for your prayers,
Georges and LaVerne