“Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.”

I Peter 5:7 NIV

Do you ever have anxiety?  We do.  We praise God for His caring nature and for using you to help relieve our anxieties… 
Thank You God and thank you friends!
Your Partnership

Help “Drive” Ministry in Haiti!

  donated van

Dear Friends,


As we mentioned last week, we received a donated 15 passenger Ford van that Bob and I delivered to Port Everglades, Florida to begin the shipping to Haiti. Thanks to Vic and Rosa Miller for this generous donation!  It is schedule to arrive on September 29 in Haiti.  What a blessing this van will be for staff and work team members!


This vehicle is in outstanding condition (under 40,000 miles; was a church van; probably mostly driven on Sundays!), and drove like a jewel to Florida; even got 18+ mpg on the highway.  The upholstery is great and the AC works amazingly well.  We had it checked out at Krieger Ford and new tires put on it.


Could you help us?  

Would you be willing to donate funds to offset our costs for this vehicle? Expenses include new tires, transportation, shipping, customs clearance, import tax (all missions have to pay some import tax on vehicles, even those like Lifeline who are tax exempt), insurance, and licensing in Haiti.


Our need is just at $5,900.  Please contact Bob@Lifeline.org if you can assist in any way.  


Thank you!

Gretchen DeVoe

Lifeline Co-Founder 


ministry photos

El Salvador

  • The Leadership Training Seminar is taking place in El Salvador right now.  All of our Central American pastors and leaders and many of our Bible Institute students are attending.  Rusty Russel and Russ Smith, both from New Day Christian Church, are assisting Pastor Jose in leading the seminar.



  • 23 men, who are part of the men’s work team, are finishing construction of the Grand-Goave Children’s Home! (see photos)
United States
  • ICOM is coming to Columbus, Ohio on November 13-16, and Lifeline is blessed to be an exhibitor and organizing food packing event at the convention.  We hope to see you there!
  • Blessings for Haiti was held just a few nights ago. A packed restaurant at Copper Blue was a great time to raise money for Homes for Haiti.
  • Many connections were made for Lifeline at the Church Planting Executive Director’s retreat in Colorado.

Prayer Requests
  • Prayers for the upcoming dedication service/ceremony for the Grand-Goave Children’s Home on October 23rd.  Pray for the new house parents and the children that will be living in the new home.  Pray for all of them to have unity and easy transitions.

  • Pray for this weekend’s food packing events: 1.1 million meals are being packed! 

  • Keep Kesaia Cojon from Honduras in your prayers.  She had an awesome summer serving with Lifeline in Honduras – working in the clinic, helping with the girls in the Omoa Children’s Home, teaching English classes and translating for the work team.  Currently, she is in Texas working full-time at Target to raise funds to continue/finish her education.

  • Pray for Duane Gray, a friend of Lifeline and past work team member.  He is recovering from being hit by an automobile as he was jogging near his home. 

You can view Lifeline’s weekly prayer list at www.Lifeline.org/pray.

Get Involved

U vs Hunger

While the Buckeyes are away battling Penn State, 

we’re taking over Ohio Stadium to battle hunger!  

U vs Hunger

You’ll package a nutritious, rice based food in The ‘Shoe that is served in Lifeline’s schools and nutrition clinics in Haiti.  Once prepared, this food provides 75% of a child’s daily requirement for a healthy diet!

October 25, 2014
Sponsorship opportunities are also available; 

contact Matt@Lifeline.org or Taylor@Lifeline.org


What to learn more?  Visit www.Lifeline.org/OSU


And So Sings the Whippoorwill

There dwells inside you, deep within you, a tiny whippoorwill.  Listen.


You will hear him sing.


His aria mourns the dusk.  His solo signals the dawn.  He will not be silent until the sun is seen.


We forget he is there, so easy is he to ignore.  Other animals of the heart are larger, noisier, more demanding. more imposing.  But none is so constant.


Other creatures of the soul are more quickly fed.  More simply satisfied.  We feed the lion who growls for power.  We stroke the tiger who demands affection.  We bridle the stallion who bucks control.


But what do we do with the whippoorwill who yearns for eternity?


For that is his song.  That is his task.  Out of the gray he sings a golden song.  Perched in time he chirps a timeless verse.  Peering through pain’s shroud, he sees a painless place.  Of that place he sings.


And though we try to ignore him, we cannot.  He is us, and his song is ours.  Our heart song won’t be silenced, until we see the dawn.


“God has planted eternity in the hearts of men” (Ecclesiastes 3:10 TLB), says the wise man.  But it doesn’t take a wise person to know that people long for more than earth.  When we see pain, we yearn.  We we see hunger, we question why.  Senseless deaths.  Endless tears, needless loss. Where do they come from?  Where will they lead?


Isn’t there more to life than death?


And so sings the whippoorwill.


Unhappiness on earth cultivates a hunger for heaven.  By gracing us with a deep dissatisfaction, God holds our attention.  The only tragedy, then, is to be satisfied prematurely.  To settle for earth. To be content in a strange land.  To intermarry with the Babylonians and forget Jerusalem.


We are not happy here because we are not at home here.  We are not happy here because we are not supposed to be happy here.  We are “like foreigners and strangers in this world” (I Peter 2:11)…


And you will never be completely happy on earth simply because you were not made for earth. Oh, you will have your moments of joy.  You will catch glimpses of light.  You will know moments of even days of peace.  But they simply do not compare with the happiness that lies ahead.


excerpt from When God Whispers Your Name by Max Lucado