Prayers Needed

We have received in a lot of prayer requests this week. We wanted to pass along to you so you can join us in prayer.

1. Ebola deaths in West Africa have now topped 1,900. Liberia is in a state of emergency. The bodies cannot be picked up quickly enough so the government is blocking off roads and trapping people in their towns and villages. They are unable to get food or supplies or get to medical help.

2. Ed Lykins has worked with White Fields for over a decade. He has built many church buildings in Haiti. Ed wrote and asked for prayer for his daughter. We have an urgent prayer request for our daughter Rebecca.  She was scratched in her eye and is now in the hospital with a severe eye infection.  They are waiting to see a cornea specialist.  Would you please send out a prayer request to your friends.  She has two small children. Finn her youngest was born premature 1-2-2013. A blood vessel ruptured in the motor skills area and he is in therapy.  He walks around things, but does not have the body strength to walk alone.  She and her family live in Australia.  Please pray for healing of her eye.

3. For many years, while in Haiti, we had heard of “Granny Bin”. We had never had the time to meet her. When Zane led a medical team to Haiti right after the earthquake, they needed a place to stay. Granny Bin opened up her home and took care of them the best she could. She was a wonderful hostess and took care of them. Over the years, she has helped so many teams. adoptive parents and orphaned children. We have just learned her cancer has returned. They know she has colon cancer. The CT Scan shows no spreading yet. She will have surgery Sept 18.

4. Reggie Thomas, Bus York, Lacey Darnell and Zane Darnell will be leaving for Haiti on September 12. Reggie will be meeting with the preachers. Bus, Lacey & Zane will be working at the Jesus Loves Me Home. They ask for prayers for safety in travel, good health and to be able to accomplish what they need to on this trip.

5. Lacey Darnell, Lori & Zane’s daughter & Reggie & Esther’s granddaughter, is in college at Missouri State University, Springfield, Mo. On the evening of the first day of classes she tried to learn to skateboard. She fell and broke all the bones in her right ankle and tore all the ligaments. She had surgery to have a plate and screws put in both sides of her leg. Two weeks later she is now in a boot and very uncomfortable and feeling frustrated and discouraged! As you read above, she is going ahead to Haiti. She needs extra prayers for safety and health while in Haiti.

6. Brother Fred Green of Moberly, Mo passed away last Saturday morning. He was a good friend personally and a good friend to White Fields. He was a preacher of the Gospel and an Associate Evangelist with White Fields for many years. He will be greatly missed. Please keep the Green family in your prayers. 

7. The situation in Iraq is never far from our prayers. The atrocities that are being committed and too terrible to even think about. Pray for the people of Iraq, especially the persecution our Brothers and Sister in Christ are enduring. There are missionaries and relief organizations there, risking their own lives, trying to help. Pray for them as well

8. Our nation, our world seems to be blowing up all around us. Please join us in prayer for our nation and our leaders. We need God!

Copyright © 2014 White Fields Overseas Evangelism, All rights reserved.
We want to share our news with you so you know what we are doing and can pray for us.

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White Fields Overseas Evangelism

PO Box 1089

Joplin, Mo 64801