White Fields Evangelist
Robert Devadoss
Departs For Heaven

On August 28, 2014, we received word that our beloved friend and partner in the Lord’s work, Robert Devadoss, while receiving a dialysis treatment, passed from this life into eternity to be with his beloved Lord and Savior.   I first met Robert in June 1971 at the home of missionaries Art and Ruth Morris where I was preaching a series of revivals that lasted 3 months.  Robert was just a very young man at the time.  Robert’s father was the Morris’s family cook.  As I was living in the Morris home, he prepared many of my meals that 3 month period of time.
Robert was very proficient in the English language and so he was my interpreter for my preaching.  Thus we became good friends.  After a few years Robert married his wife Mary and then he expressed a desire to become a Preacher of the Gospel.  Robert attended and graduated from Southern Asia Christian College.  Hen then appealed to White Fields for support and we began to support him in the ministry and that support has continued to this present moment.
In the 1990’s Robert and his wife Mary, began to help orphan children and appealed to White Fields for an orphanage home.  Carlos Fields, Larry Woods, Johnnie Puckett, Eddie Bailiff, and several other men from Tennessee who were working with White Fields in India answered Robert’s invitation and they helped to build the Jacob’s New Life Orphanage which Robert and Mary have worked in ever since.
Today August 29 we received this message from Robert’s son,

“Dear loving one in Christ,  This is Rajesh eldest son of V. Robert Devadoss, I am writing this with great pain as my daddy V.Robert Devadoss slept in the Lord on 28th August 2014 due to sudden cardiac arrest while undergoing haemodialysis. On 25th of August 2014 he was Hospitalized and diagnosed with Pneumonia, as a result suffered with breathlessness. Burial service took place today i.e., 29th August 2014 at Tirupati. Please pray for his soul and our family. Yours Lovingly in HIS Ministry, Rajesh, Eldest son of V. Robert Devadoss”

Please join us in Prayer for Robert’s wife, his children, and the children at Jacob’s New Life Orphanage.

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Joplin, Mo 64801