
and Prayer Requests

 from Indonesia 

Java Evangelism
Dennis and Lynn Free

Some quick updates…


… Dennis is praying for a quick positive response his application to the United States Customs and Immigration service (USCIS) for expedited naturalization.


… Bethany and her team are praising God for growth and development in the pre-school and kindergarten.   We are praying this will be a tool to bless all segments of Ambon’s diverse (and sometimes warring) populations.   Pray for Janes as he formalizes a new foundation to facilitate registration with the local government.


… Janes is also working with Speedy to expedite his return to Ambon for further survey work and witnessing.   The survey will focus on sourcing the product we hope to export.  Pray also for friends in our “target market” to identify a solid customer base.   The viability of this Kingdom Enterprise will affect the long term identity and legal paperwork for Speedy and his family.


… Janes has taken on the two tasks outlined in the points above not because he has time on his hands, since his business keeps him stretched thin, but because of his burning desire to see Ambon come to Jesus.  Pray for the Lord to guide his  time management and for HIS energy to keep him from physical and spiritual exhaustion.


… Bee believers in Pleasant Port continue to grow in obedience to the Lord and the Great Commission.   Pray for Abel as he leads this advance.


… A new worker from the Bible College in Java is coming to Pleasant Port today.  Pray for his adjustment and his ability to exalt Christ there.  Over the years there have been dozens who have come, but few who have “stuck”.


… Pray for the girls from the Bible College who are working in Ambon.  They need to grow in boldness, overcoming timidity to share the good news.  They would be faithful workers facilitating programs in an existing church, but that is not the need in Ambon at the moment.   Bold, faithful witness is!   Pray for Lynn as she encourages, challenges and nudges them out of their comfort zones.


… While awaiting the call from USCIS, Dennis is visiting with friends and supporters of Java.  He will be preaching at Lamar Christian Church in Banks County August 31st; Lester Rd. Christian Church, Fairburn, on September 10 and 14 (am and pm).  He will also share with the North Georgia preachers in their meeting on September 8th abut Islam and loving ministry to Muslims.  He would love to visit with all who have invested prayers and finances in the Java Evangelism ministry in Indonesia.


Until all Clearly Hear,

Dennis & Lynn signature  


Short term teams are welcome!  
Recent team conducting an “English is Fun” Day in a village area. 
 Searching for God’s plan for your life?  Want a significant short-term cross-cultural experience?  We invite you to consider the articles linked below.  Click the links