CMF International News



In Tanzania, ‘God is blessing through your prayers and giving!’

Posted: 26 Aug 2014 05:51 AM PDT

Thirteen families from 10 different tribes will arrive in Arusha, Tanzania, on Friday to attend their first church planter training course, according to CMF missionaries Gary and Judy Woods.

“The 13 families are made up of 26 adults and 25 children,” said Gary. “They live in three different areas of the country.”

One of the couples attending the course is from the Barbaig tribe, and both are new Christians.

“Marko and Sabina were the first ones to come to Christ when one of our church planter families began ministry in their area,” said Gary.

The Woods were also happy to report good news from other church planter families across Tanzania who were trained in Arusha.

“The ministry in Parakuyu has added 92 new believers since the beginning of the year,” said Gary. “Thus far in 2014 we have received news of 12 new churches planted and 356 new believers, and we have not yet received reports from all of our church planter families. God is blessing through your prayers and giving!”