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Whitehawk down, we mourn.


picture courtesy of Agency France-Press

TODAY a UN, Mi-8 aid helicopter had been shot down in Bentiu South Sudan War zone ,Thousands of people have been killed this year in bitter fighting between South Sudan’s army and rebel forces. Bentiu,  has changed hands several times and a ceasefire agreement is currently in place. We are saddened by the lost of three crew members and mourn along with our friends at UNIMISS ( United Nations Mission in South Sudan). At time our operations require their cooperation and transport.  Pray for the families of those serving in Faith Based Organizations and Non Governmental Organizations in South Sudan.  



Aug 12th we had asked prayers for son Thomas and daughter Helen as they begin the trek westward  to attend Central Christian College of the Bible in Moberly MO. Praise God for the safe journey there. They are doing well during their first week.


We had also asked prayers for Sandie Kilian’s passport to clear the State Dept. in a timely fashion and that all her vaccines and inoculations are procured in time. Praise God for answered prayers, we return to N.Africa shortly. 


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